He's hot and mine

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Part three of "OH NO HE'S HOT"
T.W: Language
Ship: same as before
It's dumb but oh well
One year later
"You didn't!"
"I did."
"Remy! We can't keep it! Our apartment doesn't allow pets."
"Actually it doesn't allow cats and dogs. Nothing about birds."
Virgil just face palms and sighs. I may have impulsively bought a bird but whatever he needed me! Said my name and everything! How could I resist? My beautiful boyfriend didn't seem to agree with my decision but I can persuade him, I know I can.
"Virge, babe, just hear me out! I promise that I'll take good care of him! He can be like our baby!"
The unimpressed look Virgil gave me should've been my que to stop but I just kept going on and on about how great it'll be to keep Eliot. After my huge tangent/rant type thing I finally get a good look at Virgil for the first time since I've been home.
He had on black skinny jeans that had a bunch of zippers and chains connected to them, a band shirt that he tied in the front showing a bit of his stomach (it's mine I realize), his hoodie and his usual make-up. Taking a moment to just take in how beautiful my boyfriend is apparently is too long since before I know it Virgil is snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Rem? Hellooo? Anyone home? Are you listening to m-"
"You look so hot."
The blush that makes its way to his ears causes me to grin and put the bird on it's little stand. Gathering my boyfriend into my arms, I pepper his face with kisses causing the blush to darken and spread.
"Remy! Hey-stop it-Rem! Fucking qui-my make-up Remington!!"
Smirking, I plant one on his lips and feel him melt into it. Pulling back and placing my hands on his hips, I bump my nose against his while he gives me a signature Logan glare.
"You know, you look like your brother when you do that."
"I'm offended."
Virgil giggles a bit and throws his arms around my neck. "Ass."
"Ouch babe. After I buy you a bird."
Virgil just giggles again and kisses me this time, bird long forgotten on its stand. A pleased hum escapes me as my grip on his hips tighten.
Having your smoking hot boyfriend pulled flushed up against you while he leaves kisses down your throat can really get to you. So it is hardly my fault that I mumble out a 'fuck it' and sweep him up to carry him to our bedroom.
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Hope you enjoyed💙
What do you guys think? Smutty part 4?

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