Watch me

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Ship: Platonic Analogical
It was late or rather early in the morning when I enter the kitchen. I'm surprised to see that I'm not the only one awake, I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Virgil is sitting on the counter, lights off and on his phone while he drinks coffee straight from the pot. He only looks up when I flick on the lights and squints at me.
"Virgil." I look at the coffee pot and back to him a few times, he seems to notice my silent question and just shrugs. "You can't survive on no sleep and just coffee. It's not healthy." Virgil looked me straight in my eyes and finished off the pot before putting it in the sink.
"Watch me specks." I couldn't help but sigh and shake my head at his unhealthy habits but also let out a small chuckle. "Specks? Really Virgil?" He smiles a small smile, "it's late! It's all I got right now...speaking of, what are you doing awake?" I make my way over to the cabinet and grab a glass filling it with water.
"I went to sleep earlier than usual and when my body hit 8 hours of sleep I woke up." He nods, soon going back to his phone as we sit in silence. I look Virgil over, he's perched on the counter, seemingly comfortable, and appears to have no makeup on like usual. Virgil has freckles and is naturally paler than the rest of us but what really catches me eye is the colour of his under-eyes. Even with no makeup they are frightening close to black which worries me.
"Virgil?" Getting a hum in response I continue, "why do you not sleep?" That gets his full attention as he puts his phone down to look at me. He thinks about it for a few seconds before answering, "I'm anxiety. The thing that usually keeps people up at night with thought spirals and what ifs. I just....don't get any sleep with the thoughts going on in my head and if I ends up a nightmare. I usually get sleep whenever my body can't take it anymore and blacks out, I don't get any nightmares that way."
In my head I'm already calculating ways to help him combat these thoughts and rid him of these sleepless nights. Virgil must have noticed because he puts his hand up, "And don't think you can fix me either Logan. I'm the literal embodiment of what nightmares are made of, there is no fixing this." I just look at him with a sigh, "That doesn't mean I can't try Virgil." He looks shocked before smiling. He gets up and places his hand on my shoulder, "Thanks man.... no one has ever offered to go to that extent for me.." With a final squeeze he leaves the kitchen, presumably to his room.
I just sit there for a minute or two before I get up and wash the coffee pot. If I'm going to find a way to help Virgil I will be needing a lot of caffeine in order to aid in my efforts.
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Hope you enjoyed!💙

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