Anxious baby

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T.W: Panic attack
Ever since the others accepted me they have been mother hening me! Every little thing I do they hover over me or want to do it for me. I'm not a baby! I can do things myself! I'm glad they're trying to understand me better but Christ I just want to be able to make a sandwich without them breathing down my neck.
Today I just can't handle anything. I've gotten zero sleep for three days now, I had an attack last night and am just not in the mood. I have my headphone on with my hood up when I sit down for breakfast, getting worried glances from the others. I glare at the food Patton places in front of me and just push it around. The other three talk amongst themselves as I get lost in my music, my thoughts racing causing my mood to become worse. I don't even notice Roman trying to talk to me."Virgil are you alri-" he pulled off my headphones so I could hear him.
Big mistake.
I let out a growl so animalistic Patton and Logan shrink back looking shocked."Leave me alone!" My voice is deeper, it sounds like how it did when they were in my room but scarier. Roman flinches back looking equally as scared as the other two, I've had enough. I get out of my chair so fast it screeches against the floor and almost falls over. Rushing back to my room I can feel a panic attack coming on. My chest gets tighter and I can't breathe. I sit against the closed door with my hands gripping my hair and gasping for breathe. Okay Virgil just breathe. In for four,old for 7 and out for 8, easy right?
Not easy, not easy, not easy! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! The less air I get into my lungs the more I panic. I need Patton. Or Logan even Roman would help. Oh god I yelled at them! They hate me! I can see black dots start to cloud my vision which sends me into a new wave of panic. In my state of panic I don't register the multiple frantic knocks on the door, I move when I hear a yell telling me to do so anyway. The door slams open so hard it comes off the hinges, the noise making me scream and flinch back.
Three figures rush in and I'm immediately surrounded by three pairs of arms. I vaguely hear someone telling me to breathe and that I'll be okay but I can't make out who it is. Patton maybe? I feel someone playing with my hair and grabbing my hand calming me down. My breathing slows down and I can make out voices, I can hear Patton. I look up and see him with a worried expression. "Are you okay now kiddo? You really scared us back there." I just nod and lean into whoever is behind me, it has to be Roman. I can see Logan is the one holding my hand while Roman holds me from behind and Patton had been playing with my hair.
"I'm....sorry." They all helped me even though I yelled at them. I'm such a horrible person. They're probably just helping me so I don't effect Thomas. Oh Patton is talking, oops. "You know we care about you kiddo. You just had us worried this morning!" "I'm sorry.. I-I had a really bad night, actually bad couple of days, and I got overwhelmed today.... I'm sorry." I felt Roman tighten his hold on me and Logan squeeze my hand,"We should be apologizing to you Virgil. We didn't know." I look at Logan, then Roman and finally Patton. Surprising everyone, I pull them all into a tight hug. They return it, not letting go until I start pulling away. I give them a small smile and Patton squeals pulling me into another hug. "Aww my little anxious baby!" I laugh along with Roman and Logan, feeling a lot better than I did before.
.......          .      ....... ...
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