Dress up with us!

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Ship: Analogical
Will be very cute for Easter!
It's 8:30am on a Sunday.
Why am I awake? Who even wakes up at this time? What do you even do before 11:45am? I hate this. I hate mornings. Patton won't even let me have coffee because it's 'bad for me.' Logan drinks coffee and no one tells him anything. Speaking of Logan, he doesn't even share his coffee with me! What kind of a boyfriend does that?! Mine apparently.
"Virgil, no brooding at the table," Patton didn't even turn around to tell me that! Ugh. "Why am I even up this early?" Logan grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze, "Patton has planned an Easter party for Thomas, his friends and us but is in need of assistance for last minute things." I just keep a hold on his hand and mumble incoherent words. Logan sets down his coffee and uses his now unused hand to tilt my head up, planing a kiss on my lips that I happily return.
"We will have a nap as soon as we are able I promise darling," I can't fight the smile that makes it way onto my face along with a blush that reaches my ears. "Hey, lovebirds, get a move on we have work to do!" I groan as Roman is too loud right now but get up with Logan to start helping.
¬¬¬¬¬¬time skip¬¬¬¬¬¬
"Come on Virge! It won't kill you!"
"You don't know that."
"It's close to impossible that it would kill you honey."
"You're supposed to be on my side Logan!"
"Come on you raisin cookie! Even Logan is doing it! Just dress up with us!"
This has been going on for a while now and yet I still refuse. The others all have a bunny themed outfit including ears and a tail. They have been trying to get me into mine for over 30minutes now and I'm getting close to caving just to make them leave me alone. Even Logan has been pestering me! "Fine! If I put it on will you all leave me alone?" Getting three nods I grab the damn thing from Roman and go to change in the bathroom.
I look like a damn child. It's just simple black skinny jeans, a plain purple shirt with a grey circle in the middle (A/N: like the stomach of the bunny lol), paired with a set of grey ears and a grey tail. I washed my makeup off to show my freckles and drew on some whiskers. I frown at my reflection as I hear knocking on the door, "Kiddo? You okay in there?" Well it's now or never I suppose. I walk out and all three of them freeze, staring at me wide eyed. "Don't you da-"
"I must say I'd have to agree with them my dear. You simply are very cute but," Logan walks up and kisses me wrapping his arms around my waist, "you are too cute for my jealousy to be kept hidden." I smile and kiss him again with my arms around his neck. He pulls away again, "I'm serious. You are not leaving my side this entire party."
"Just kiss me Logan." With a nod he kisses me for a third time since I've come out of the bathroom. I start to think that maybe this whole dressing up thing wasn't as bad as I thought.
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Hope you enjoyed!💙
Happy Easter!

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