This sucks

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T.W:Language, self harm, angst to fluff really
Virgil is a vampire AU
I really have to stop skipping meals. This is the third time today I've gotten dizzy. Even with three very willing boyfriends I tend to not drink blood like I should. Maybe I should ask one of them? Where are they is the better question?
"Guys? Pat? Ro? Lo? Anyone?"
"In the kitchen hun!"
Yup, there they are. Making dinner it looks like and it smells.... disgusting.
"Blak! W-What are you g-guys making?"
Patton just smiles while he and Logan continue cooking. Roman gives me am answer after sharing a look with the other two, "Italian. Garlic bread and all."
I frown but let them be. With the smell alone I feel like throwing up, I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I drank from one of them. I guess I'll have to wait a few days before eating.
¬¬¬¬¬next day¬¬¬¬¬
I had just finished the coffee when Logan walked in dressed and ready for the day. "Morning L."
"Good morning V."
He brushes passed me to grab his mug when I feel a searing burn. I jerk back, dropping my mug in the process, and grab hold of the place he touched...with his metal watch.
"Uh Lo?"
"W-Why are you wearing that w-watch?"
"I didn't know you were the fashion police Virgil." And with that he walks out, back to our bedroom and closing the door. The metal doorhandle being the only problem with that since now I can't get back in.
¬¬¬time skip to later in the day¬¬¬
Okay now I know they really hate me. I'm sitting down in the shade under a tree, while the three of them chill out in the sun knowing full well I can't join them.
What did I do? I stand and immediately sit back down due to the dizziness. That's another thing, I still haven't eaten and it's been about what? Four days? Five?
I speed my way home without them and take a minute to really think things over, causing just a horrible downward spiral of negative thoughts.
They hate you. Why else would they be trying to kill you? The silver, the garlic, the sun! They want to rid the world of another monster that's all. They got tired of being your personal blood bank. They don't love you.
No! Nonononono, they do love me. And I'll prove it.
....... ........ ....... ...... ...... ....... ........
He'll prove it in part two
Hope you enjoyed💙

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