Make-up and more

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Ship: Prinxiety
It's not an unknown fact that I wear makeup. I've mentioned it to the others countless times and even did their makeup on a few occasions. What they didn't know is that I also have a guilty pleasure that I'm super embarrassed about.
I like women's clothing.
I'm not trans or anything I just enjoy how skirts look and fit me, same with crop tops and such. They make me feel confident and good about myself, but never enough to where I'll show the others. It took me forever to admit I wore more extravagant makeup looks besides my usual foundation and eyeshadow. I'll just stick to dressing up in my room when the others are busy. Just like today, Patton and Logan are with Thomas and Roman is in the imagination so it's the perfect time!
I change from my hoodie to a dark floral crop top and ripped skinny jeans. Sitting down at my desk/vanity I start with my makeup, debating on switching out the jeans for a high waisted, black skirt. After putting on my foundation I swap them out and start my eye shadow. Being careful not to stab my eye out I wing my eyeliner and put mascara on finishing up with a nude lipstick, feeling quite pleased with how I look. I stand in front of my mirror fix up some odds and ends of my outfit when I hear a knock on my door. Frozen in place I hear Princey, "Virgil, may I speak with you for a second?"
I had just gotten back from fighting a dragon-witch in the imagination and I was in major need of Virgil's help. She hadn't hurt me too badly but she did leave a big bruise on my face. In order to not worry Patton I needed Virgil to put some makeup on it until I was healed. I'd do it myself but I don't have makeup nor makeup knowledge.
I knock on his door a few times saying that I need to speak with him but he doesn't answer. "Virgil please, this is very urgent," I hear shuffling from the other side and the door opens a crack not giving me a view inside. "What do you want?" Moving around to try and see him, I explain the situation to him. "Does it have to be now?"
"Yes, it has to be done now."
A hand shoots out and grabs my sash yanking me into his room. Before I can comprehend what's going on a hand is over my eyes and my back is against the door. "Vir-"
"Shut it Princey. I'm going to reveal something that no one else knows and so help me if you mention it to anyone I will chop off your Princey parts, got it?" I nod, far too scared at the fact that he might actually do it. When the hand is removed I come face to face with a skirt. Don't get me wrong he looks amazingly hot but I just never thought-woah pump the breaks Princey. Did I just call Virgil hot? We'll circle back to that thought later, right now I need my face fixed. "You don't look bad Virge, and this doesn't change how I think of you either, if this is what you like then you should embrace it. Can we fix my face now?"
He seems shocked at how I reacted to him but I honestly don't care, if this makes him happy he should be happy. Virgil sits me down at his vanity and gets to work fixing my face. After I winced once he was very gentle and made sure not to put too much pressure. He handed me a mirror so I could see how he did. My face!! It's back to it's beautiful self! "Oh thank you emo nightmare!" I swoop him into a hug lifting him off the ground, "Hey! Put me down! Okay okay! You're welcome now release me you moron!" I chuckle but do so anyway.
I give him a once over really taking in his appearance now. "Stop staring, it's fucking creepy." The blush on his face isn't makeup I can tell that much, and gosh darn he is adorable. "I tend to get distracted by pretty things," with a smirk I walk to the door, a stunned Virgil in my wake. "Oh and Virgil," I stop just before closing the door,"let's go out sometime with you dressed like that." I wink and laugh as his mouth is hanging open and close the door.
Did Roman just ask me out in a date? Am I happy about that?
The answer is yes and definitely.
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Hope you enjoyed💙

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