I won't watch you

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T.W: None
Ship: Platonic Analogical with a twist at the end
It has been a total of two months since I encountered Virgil at 3am. I've been researching ways to help him sleep and have finally gathered enough information to start testing these theories. I made a list in order of most likely to succeed to least likely. I just need to locate Virgil and make him aware of my plan.
I knock on his door note book in hand and a pen behind my ear. The door swings open to reveal Virgil in all his dark, angsty glory. Woah glory? Focus Logan.
"Hey Specks. Did you need something?"
"Salutations. I have formulated a plan that I would like to run by you."
"Me? Uuhh sure. I guess. Maybe in your room though? I don't like how my room affects you guys."
Nodding I lead him to my room, opening the door for him and closing it. "Have a seat anywhere." Virgil flops on my bed face first and I can't help but let out a chuckle as I sit at my desk. I open my notebook and turn to him, seeing him under my blankets and cuddled into my pillows. I give him a small smile before getting to the point.
"I've been researching ways to help you sleep. I wrote them all down from most likely to succeed to the least. I hope you are willing to try them."
"Of course I would! I..uh mean, yeah that sounds...cool."
I hand him the notebook so he could read over my solutions. "Are there any you'd like to start with or do you want to go in order?" He just shrugs so I take that as to go in the order of most to least successful.
¬¬¬¬time skip¬¬¬¬
This is a disaster.
We've been trying all my solutions for two weeks now and nothing has worked!! I have to be missing something, it just isn't adding up. Maybe I'm missing something while researching, or maybe I'm not doing the math right, or not taking into account Virgil? I need to figure this out! I myself haven't been sleeping right and Virgil has been pestering me to do so, but I just can't. No matter how illogical it is of me to not sleep I have to get to the bottom of this.
"Logan. It's 3am."
"I'm well aware of what time it is Virgil."
"So why don't we sleep? Or at least you."
I sigh and continue working, fully prepared to ignore Virgil until I find the answers I want. That was the plan but Virgil started to try and distract me in order to get me to sleep. I am determined to stay strong. He seems persistence but I deal with Patton and Roman daily, I can handle him.
"Hey Glasses."
"Microsoft nerd."
"Aliens are real."
"90% of the ocean is untouched by man."
"Is it possible to see sound?"
"Do penguins have knees?"
"Flamingo egg yolks are pink.,
"I love you......uuhh I mean jellyfish are more water than jelly."
Now that caught my attention. Ignoring the jellyfish comment I turn to him, "If you meant it, then I return your feelings Virgil. I wouldn't be trying so hard if I didn't love you too." He smiles and leans over my desk connecting our lips. I scoop him up, resulting in him squeaking out of surprise but soon kissing me again, and head to my bed. "There was a theory I saw but immediately dismissed."
"That theory being?"
"Sleeping next to someone." Virgil smiles at me, takes off my glasses and places them on my nightstand. "That sounds like it could work. Let's try it." I lay down with him still in my arms, enjoying the feeling of him cuddled up to me. We eventually fall asleep and we stay asleep. I guess I can put this under the successful column of my list.
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Hope you enjoyed💙

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