He's really hot!

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Part two of "OH NO HE'S HOT"
T.W: Language, uuhh flirting
Ship: Same as before
My brain just couldn't handle the amount of hot this man sitting next to me was. Don't get me wrong his body and face were to die for, but his personality makes me want to propose right now!
Virgil and I got to talking while his brother and Roman were in their own cute little world. I found out he is two years younger than myself, likes all my fav bands, adores coffee, is so hecking smart, and has a deep love for the colour purple. Basically he's the boy from my dreams.
At some point my arm made its home on the booth behind his head and our faces were a bit closer than before. So what if I was whispering in his ear every so often? So what if he gathered the cutest blush I've ever seen?
Virgil had a hand on my thigh while I brushed some hair behind his ear when someone cleared their throat very loud. That someone being Logan and boy did he look mad.
"Remy. Please get out of my baby brother's personal space." Virgil looked at Logan with a glare that must run in the family omg I see the resemblance. Roman's grip on Logan's hand seem to tighten when Logan made a move to lean over the table which thankfully stopped him.
"Logan, can I talk to you? Privately."
"Of course Virgil, we really should talk."
With that they made their way to the restrooms leaving Roman and myself in the booth. Once they were out of sight, Roman grabbed the menu and whacked me over the head with it.
"Hey! Watch the glasses!! Ro-stop hitting me!"
"Are*hit* you*hit* stupid!*hithithit*"
"Quit hitting me!"
Roman finally put it down and looked at me like I was crazy.
"Can you not feel up my boyfriend's brother in front of him? I know he's your date, I can tell you like him, but I told Logan you were a good guy! Not the kind that just wants to get inside his pants!"
"I don't want just to get inside his pants, however nice that may be, I actually want to date him! He is really cool and it's not just his body I'm after."
Before Roman could respond Logan and Virgil made their way back to the table. Both looking like they had a similar conversation to ours and sat in their seats. Virgil smiled at me which I returned while Roman and Logan whispered to each other.
"Hey Virgil?"
"How's about, if you want of course, we have a little date of our own? Just us and maybe a movie?"
He leaned his head on my shoulder and nodded, causing both our smiles to grow. It also made Logan glare at me all throughout the meal but I didn't care, I had a hot date next Tuesday.
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Hope you enjoyed!💙
Part three is already half way done!

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