For You

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Request: Soulmate AU
I smile when I feel a new drawing appear on my arm meaning my soulmate put it there. Rolling up my sleeve I see a little storm cloud with a lightening bolt and a little heart. I grab a marker and draw a small heart back, starting the daily cycle of small drawings being given back and forth.
You see my soulmate is all the way in California while I'm here in Florida and even though we've exchanged numbers and have Skyped multiple times, we enjoy leaving little drawing here and there. Especially since my darling is so talented in the arts as opposed to me, a person who can barely draw a stick person. While my acting skills are amazing, my drawing skills could use some work. Virgil(my soulmate) has offered to teach me over our last skyping session, but soon couldn't contain his laughter over how bad I was. It was the most adorable sight ever, and the things I'd give to see that sight in person. I've been working for a whole year now trying to get enough money to fly myself and meet Virgil in person. I'm getting closer everyday and so excited at just the possibility of meeting him. I talk about it with my friends Thomas and Patton a lot as well and they are just as excited.
I've been working a lot more shifts lately as to make more money but I can only do so much, and I'm still slowly getting to my goal. Patton, being the dad friend that he is,  advise me to take it easy or I'll be too tired to visit my soulmate. I just can't give up or slow down right now, not when it comes to meeting my Virgil. So I draw out another heart before heading off to work, smiling when I get one in return.
Roman is going to die, of happiness of course! He'll be so happy he'll probably explode!
Thomas and I have noticed how determined Roman has been about meeting Virgil and we wanted to help him out! We both picked up some extra shifts at our own jobs, even got my boyfriend Logan to help out and we got enough money for a plane ticket! We figured he could use the money he saved to take Virgil out and such while he's in California, and obviously get us some souvenirs.
The three of us, Thomas, Logan and myself, were waiting for Roman to get home after letting ourselves in via his spare key he gave to me. We raided his fridge,(Thomas insisted since he was going out of state for a while and didn't want him to come home to bad food) and watched movies. It was around 11 when he finally drags himself through the door, a bit confused to see people already inside his living room. "Hello people who most certainly do not live here,"he chuckles when we all say hi, setting down his things before joining us,"Might I ask what you three are doing in my apartment?"
I grin wide as Logan turns off the movie and we all face him. "Well, we have a bit of a surprise for you! We've noticed how hard you've been working, and we thought it was time you took a bit of a vacation," at first he looked a bit surprised, then he starts protesting saying he needs to work since he's so close. Thomas cuts him off by handing him his plane ticket, which brings a new shocked expression to his face.
I can't believe it. This has to be some sort of dream, it can't be real! I'm so in shock that I can't even stutter out a how but thankfully Logan starts explaining. "Patton noticed how much you've been pushing yourself in order to go to California, so with our help we gathered enough money to get you a plane ticket. You may spend your money that you saved when you get there."
I jump up and pull them into the tightest hug I could manage,"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" "Uh kiddo? As much as I love hugs, we need to breathe," I let go still smiling,"Sorry I'm happy!" Patton giggles and Thomas gives me a smile,"Ro, have you even read the ticket yet?" I give Thomas a questioning look before I scan over the ticket, my eyes widening when I read it's for the next morning. I thank them once more before rushing to pack my things, hearing them laugh as I rush out of the room. I can't help the smile that forms on my face as I'm shoving clothes in my suitcase and phoning Virgil at the same time.
"Hello?" My smile only grows as I hear his voice, realizing that I'll hear that same voice within the next day. "Hey, I have a surprise for you and it'll be there tomorrow. I'm actually preparing to send it off right now."
.       .......         .
I'll leave it like this for now, a part two is already in the works so don't worry!
Hope you liked it!💙

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