Hard day

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Family AU
Ship: Logicality
Today was certainly not my day. Firstly, I had missed my alarm causing me to skip breakfast and rush out of the house. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to my family which was the first indicator that today would be bad. Secondly, once at work I had to do double my usual work in order to make up for someone else. I then proceeded to spill coffee on the front of my shirt and tie effectively staining both. Thirdly, I have had a huge headache just from all the stress and frustration today has brought me. I just want to go home, shower and sleep, but my husband will more than likely make me eat and go to bed at a more reasonable time.
Despite today's events I smile thinking of Patton. He's always smiling with his adorable and dorky grin with bright eyes. Oh his eyes are just the most beautiful shade of brown that light up when he is happy. He's usually happy when we are together or the whole family is just relaxing at home. I smile bigger thinking of my baby boy and my husband together. Our son Virgil is getting to be so big, almost five and so smart with the most amazing outlook on life. Virgil is definitely the perfect mix of Patton and I. He's caring but cautious, loving but logical, loyal and very determined. I love both of them with all of my being and would do anything in the world to make sure they are happy. Glancing at the clock my smile turns into a grin, it's time to go home to my lovely family.
Once I arrive home it's like my bad day never happened. Virgil is the first to notice I'm home since he was in the living room colouring. "Papa! You're hoooooome!!" He rushes over and hugs my legs smiling up at me to which I return picking him up. "Yes I am. How was your day darling? Where's daddy?" "It was okay. He's making dinner." I nod and carry him into the kitchen with me. Patton turns from the stove to flash me a smile,"Welcome home Logie! How was your day?" Pulling him into a group hug with Virgil still in my arms and planting a kiss on his lips I smile. "It's a lot better now my dear." He smiles giving both me and Virgil a kiss on the cheek, making him giggle. "I love you both." "I love you too." Virgil snuggles against us,"I love you too!"
Yes my day was a little rough but coming home to this everyday makes it all worth it.
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I made this cute and simple one just to give you guys something after that long one before. Don't forget to leave request!
Hope you liked it!💙

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