Tiny pt.2

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T.W: Some crying 
Ship: Platonic LAMP
Logan has confirmed that Virgil isn't affecting Thomas, Patton is so happy to have a baby to care for, Virgil seems to be in heaven, and I am stressing.
It's been only a few days but I can't seem to find a way to turn him back. I've been back and forth from the imagination, which takes so much energy, I've also been staying up at night trying to fix this.
I groan and throw myself onto my bed feeling frustrated and just overall done with everything. I am tired, hungry, frustrated and a little disappointed too. Tears run down my face but I'm not sad, just frustrated.
Hearing a tiny knock on my door I smile, knowing who it is just by the knock and the tiny shuffling of feet. I wipe my face clean before I tell him to enter.
"Come in."
Virgil walks in with a purple blanket I conjured for him dragging behind. I smile when he climbs onto my bed and lays next to me.
"What is troubling you Tiny Prince?"
"Nofin. Just wanna be wif RoRo."
"........You sensed it huh? All my feelings?"
Virgil just nods while cuddling up next to me. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on top of his. Him being his cute little self really helped improve my mood and I smile bringing him closer. Hearing giggles makes me look down, making more giggles arise.
"RoRo! You huggin me too tight!"
"My apologies Dark Knight. You're just so cute!!"
I nuzzle my face against hid neck causing him to giggle louder. I join in on his laughing and before I know it we're in an all out tickle fight.
"Mamma! Dada! RoRo is chasing me!!"
I make a show of chasing after Virgil trying to tickle him. Getting out of me room really helped my mood too. All thanks to Virgil once again.
He makes a beeline for the kitchen where Patton and Logan are. With little Virgil present we all have taken new names. I'm RoRo which is just too cute sometimes, Logan is Mamma, he blushes everytime, and of course Patton is Dad.
I can hear Patton laughing and Virgil's tiny giggles before I enter the kitchen.
"I hear my little storm cloud in here."
Virgil has his face hidden in Patton's cardigan and I can hear him giggling up a storm. Logan has taken over cooking so Patton could partake in this, but that doesn't stop the smile I see form on his face.
"I haven't seen anyone come in here RoRo."
"Hmmm, I guess I'll just have to watch Moana all by myself."
I make a dramatic display of my displeasure and fight a smile when I hear him gasp.
"RoRo!! Moana!!"
Pat puts him down and Virgil runs to me grabbing my hand. I scoop him up and run into the living room to watch the movie.
As I watch the movie with Virgil cuddled against me I realized something. I wasn't feeling my best and needed to get out of my room. I needed my famILY and Virgil helped me get that.
I'll look for a cure for him sure, but it'll just be a slow process. Having him around could be good for us and our little family.

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