Our child is weird

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Real world AU
Ship: Logince
I was peacefully asleep next to my husband when I hear little feet padding down the hall. I prepare myself when the bedroom door opens, already knowing what is coming. Feeling the bed dip and something crawling up to my ear I try my hardest not to smile.
"In a world, where my daddy made breakfast, one boy would not go hungry.......Daddy wake up." I smile after the poke to my cheek and open my eyes. My son, Nathan, comes into view, with his thick rimmed glasses and fixed brown hair. "Good morning my little narrator," he smiles and gives Logan a poke too. I chuckle when all he gets is a snore in response,"Come. I'll make breakfast while we let Papa sleep a bit longer." He nods and rushes out to the kitchen with me slowly following behind.
Nathan enjoys narrating things a lot. Logan says it's because of my dramatics but I think it's due to him being observant, either way Nathan is happy which is all that matters in the end. "And here, we see Daddy breaking the eggs into the pan since I am too small to do so myself," he watches me cook and helps set the table. "The wild Papa has awoken and has arisen from his den!" I turn, greeting Logan with a 'good morning' and a kiss handing him his coffee. "Thank you dearest." Logan goes and sits next to Nathan at the table saying good morning to him as well.
We eat with Nathan narrating every so often and finish the cleaning quickly in order to get our plans started. "Alright everyone go get ready! We're going to the park today, remember?" Logan and I share a laugh at Nathan's shocked face meaning he forgot. "I'll be right back! Nathan Prince has just discovered he forgot about what today holds." I turn to Logan smiling after we both get dressed and ready,
"Our child is weird."
"I love it."
"As do I dear."
"Do you think he'll grow out of it?"
"He'll probably get a job narrating some show or another, so no."
"Think he'll narrate the squirrels at the park again?"
"Most definitely."
I couldn't help but laugh, Logan also letting out a chuckle. Our child may be weird but we wouldn't have it any other way.
.... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..  ....  .. 
Hope you enjoyed💙
Sorry I haven't been updating recently. School, work and everything else has been keeping me busy. I've also been writing stuff and starting over or never finishing, but I have a lot of ideas and they will be out very soon!

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