I got you, I'm here

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T.W:Blood, bit of gore I guess, and language
The warnings are not for this part of the story but need to be addressed
Ship: Logince
I couldn't wipe the grin I had on my face. Today was the day! Logan is going to be so surprised! Not even Mr. SmartyPants that figures out all my surprises will see it coming.
I just finished setting everything up in the Imagination, making sure to have some of my guards stand by to keep it all in order. Now all I have to do is get Logan. I'm more than sure I can pull him away from his work today.
"Logan! My sweet are you in there?" I knock on his study door and get a muffled 'yes, come in' so I do.
"I have a surprise for you!"
"Roman I have work to d-don't look at me like that!" I knew my puppy eyes would get him.
"Fine. Lead the way I suppose."
I grinned at him before grabbing his hand. Leading him into the imagination and to my surprise wasn't as difficult as trying to answer all his questions.
"Okay now Darling close your eyes."
"Just do it Lo." He sighs but smiles while covering his eyes with his hand. I lead him to my little set up. A picnic with all his favourite foods, an amazing view of my castle in the distance and also a view of some knights just in case.
The imagination is filled with all sorts of creatures great and small, dark and light. One can never be too careful in here.
"Okay open them!"
"Oh. Roman...this is amazing!" I see that rare grin appear on Logan's face and I feel proud. Once we're settled on the blanket we talk, eat, laugh and enjoy each other's company. Now is my chance! Okay Roman you've got this! You've practiced in the mirror plenty of times and that one time on Virgil, even he said I was ready!
"Hey Lo?"
"I have something to ask you."
I'm about to pull the box out of my pocket when I feel the atmosphere change. The wind is drastically colder, the birds and other animals have gone quiet and my guards are no where to be seen.
"Shhh my love."
I slowly get up while looking around, drawing my sword as Logan stands beside me. Scanning the area I grab Logan's hand and quickly start leading him to my castle as the door back into the mind is too far.
"Logan you're going to wait in my castle as I clear the area."
"But Ro-"
"The only but should be yours in my castle. I need to make sure it's clear before getting us home."
We were just about half way there when a huge growl stopped us dead in our tracks. Pulling Logan behind me I face the beast, sword held tightly in my hand while the other keeps Logan safe.
"Logan. I want you to run as fast as you possibly can to my castle and alert the knights there."
"I'll be fine just go.....I love you my dear."
"I love you too." I hear him start running and sigh knowing he'll be safe. Well at least that's what I thought. The beast also took note of Logan running, it's head turning towards the sound. It lunged wanting to follow him but I was quick to block it's path. There is no way in hell I'm letting it get to Logan, not while I am still standing.
To be continued.....
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Hope you enjoyed💙
Part two is coming later on

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