Puppies and Princes

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Ship: Royality
I've noticed something off about Patton. He's been acting weird and not like his usual bubbly self that I love. I decided to confront him after dinner about it, and I'm very prepared to do whatever it takes to make him happy again.
¬¬¬¬¬¬time skip¬¬¬¬¬¬
I knock on Patton's door and I hear some shuffling going on on the other side. "C-Come in!" I do so and am met with a teary eyed Patton visibly trying to hold it in. "Oh Roman. Uh sorry I um.." Pulling him into a hug I run my hands through his hair,"What's wrong my dear? What has you this way?" He snuggles into my shoulder letting the tears fall slowly, "It's nothing really, I just get emotional sometimes for no reason."
"Is it like how every so often Logan gets headaches due to an overload or when I get body aches?" I felt him nod against my shoulder and I got an idea. Kissing the top of his head I gently pull away from our impromptu cuddle. "I'll be right back, stay here." He nods again as I head out of his room into mine getting all the necessary things for my plan. I even ask Virgil to make some cookies because next to Patton he is the only one that can actually be in the kitchen unsupervised. Arriving back in Patton's room, I set up all the blankets and pillows I brought, getting his laptop out and ready. Opening up YouTube and finding a playlist of cute puppy videos, and also some other ones I know Patton enjoys.
"Ro, what are you doing?" Patton isn't crying anymore but his face looks like he will again and it pains me to see my love in such a state. "I'm going to aid you my beloved in feeling better, or at least distract you for a little from feeling that way." I get a ghost of a smile in response and give him a grin, "I'll be combining your favourite things into one, puppies, movies, movies about puppies, me of course, cuddling and cookies." Just then Virgil knocked letting me know the cookies were ready, "Pick a movie and I'll be back with cookies." I was partly out the door when I felt a weight on my back, smiling when I realized it was Patton who had jumped on me. "Thank you Roman, I love you!" When his feet were back on the ground I turned and scooped him up into a big hug, spinning him around getting a few giggles out. "I love you too my darling! I'd go to the ends of the earth to make sure that smile stays on your face."
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Hope you enjoyed💙

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