High heels pt.2

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T.W: Groping, fighting and some language, some heated moments, very gay
Ship: Analogical
The entire way to the club I kept stealing glances at Virgil. I wasn't driving so that was a plus but I just couldn't get my mind or eyes off him.
Patton called 'shotgun' and Roman was driving, leaving me with Virgil in the backseat. He was just on his phone for crying out loud and I couldn't keep my gaze away from him! This is ridiculous, and frankly highly illogical. I've also come to the conclusion that the only logical solution is to do what Roman suggested.
Buy him a drink and talk to him. Simple.
Not simple.
Once we arrived at the club we split up. Roman and Patton went with Thomas to the dance floor with his friends, I lost Virgil in the crowd and got swept away with Patton. Awkwardly dancing along I spot Virgil at the bar, obviously distressed. Some large guy is getting too close to him for my liking and making Virgil uncomfortable, making me in turn very upset.
I think about getting Roman but decide against it, I can handle this and then go forth with my plan. Getting closer to Virgil I can see that the man has a hand on his thigh that returns every time it is slapped away. I move faster through the crowd getting to him as fast as possible.
"Excuse me. Please leave my...boyfriend alone." I drape an arm around Virgil's shoulders and pull him close, ignoring his blush and the fact that he leans against me.
"Why don ya make me?" Obviously drunk. His slurred words and the smell makes that much clear.
"I don't believe you want me to do that as it will end badly for you."
"Fuckin scared?."
My frown deepens and I take a step forward. Virgil nudges me slightly to gain my attention, "Logan it's fine."
"Virgil it's not fi-"
"See? Even tha bitch thinks yoire scared."
"Okay that's it!" I make sure Virgil is behind me before I swing at the man, punching him square in the face. I ignore Virgil's gasps for now and grab the man by the collar lifting him off the ground to be eye level with me.
"You can call me what you want but you leave Virgil out of it. Got it?"
"Logan!" I feel a tug on my arm and release the man letting him drop back to the floor dazed. His nose is bleeding and looks a bit crooked, but I honestly couldn't bring myself to care about it. I wrap my arm around Virgil's waist, with my hand resting on his hip, and lead him to a booth away from the bar.
"I'll buy you a drink once that thing leaves."
I see him nod while we slide into the booth, my hand not leaving his waist. I thought about removing it until Virgil leaned into my hold and placed his hand on my thigh.
"Thanks for that Logan."
"I couldn't just simply watch as he touched you without consent. Although I do have to apologize, I let my anger get the best of me."
He shrugs and leans up close to my ear, "I kind of liked it."
My face grows warm as Virgil leans back with a smirk. I couldn't help but chuckle and feel some confidence well up inside me. Tightening my hold on him I bring him closer to myself, causing a small squeak of surprise to make it's way out of him.
Getting my own smirk I lean close to his ear like he did to me. His hand moves a little higher on my thigh but freezes right before the top of my jeans.
"Now now Virgil, I'm not sure you want that side of me."
I hear him giggle and move so close that he's in my lap. Bracing himself with his hands on my shoulders, Virgil gets comfortable in my lap.
"I want that side of you Logan. Seeing you fight like that, for me no less, just makes you so..."he leans down so that our lips are inches away, "hot."
I move the rest of the way to connect our lips in a deep and passionate kiss. Feeling him wrap his arms around my neck I keep my hold on his hips without a care in the world. Nevermind the fact we're in public, we kiss for a while before Virgil pulls away. He goes for my neck and starts leaving marks there, I move my head back to give him more room. We get so caught up in each other that Roman coming up to us goes unnoticed.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Like two teenagers I swear."
Virgil responses by putting his middle finger up not stopping what he's doing. I on the other hand feel my face heat up significantly.
"Uh...um we uh..mmm Virgil-I mean uh..ugh whatever. Leave my boyfriend and I alone Roman."
I hear him chuckle and leave while Virgil pulls away to look at me.
"If you want."
"Of course you nerd!"
"I must say, those heels did assist in my decision to confess tonight....and maybe Roman."
He smiles and we kiss again. All of this over a pair of high heels that I'm more than sure he'll wear again.
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Hope you enjoyed!💙

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