Bored pt.1

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Ship: LAMP
I place my phone on my nightstand and stretch out my body, sighing when I hear those satisfying pops. Being in the same position for three hours really makes your joints stiff. Putting my phone on the charger I make my way out of my room.
I had asked for some alone time from my boyfriends earlier today. It's not that I didn't want to spend time with them, it's just that sometimes I need a few hours to myself to keep myself in check. Now, however, I'm bored and in need of attention. I wonder where they are.
As I'm walking down the hall I pass Roman's room, he has his door open while throwing clothes out of his closet? I make my way over to his bed and sit down, I can hear him muttering something while throwing everything he has in there behind him.
"Hey Princey?" I jump back as he screeches and turns around, sword drawn and everything.
"Virgil!! How long have you been there!! I could've killed you!!"
"I've been here for like a minute. What are you doing?" He puts his sword back, rushes over the pile of clothes and gives me a kiss.
"I seem to have lost my favourite sash. You're welcome to stay in here but I need to find it!" Roman goes back to flinging clothes behind him as soon as he finishes his sentence. I stay sitting on his bed getting hit every so often with an item of clothing but I'm bored again.
After getting hit with another shirt I get an idea. Smirking I stuff two of his shirts under him so it looks like I have a belly and walk over to him.
"Hey Roman. Roman. I have something to tell you."
"Yes what is i-..."
"It's yours by the way." Roman burst out laughing, doubling over and putting his hands on his knees. He pulls me close and gives me another kiss.
"I'll take full responsibility my dearest."
"You better. I'll leave you to keep searching Princey, I want to go show the others."
"Logan is in his study and Patton is in the kitchen. I'm sure they'll each have different reactions to your....*snicker* little addition."
I let out a giggle as I walk out of his room. Pulling my hoodie to hide the bump I go to Logan's study, I wonder how he will react to this.
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Hope you enjoyed💙
Making this a three part story!

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