How do you even?

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Ship: LAMP
"Why are you on top of the fridge?"
I shrug, "It's comfy." Honestly Logan shouldn't be so surprised to find me here. I sit or lay in weird places, I don't have time to worry about what is, and what isn't a chair.
"Just because it's comfy doesn't mean it's safe."
"I'm fine Logan." I hear him sigh before going about whatever we was doing in the kitchen. Probably getting some Crofters, but I'm too focused on my phone to lean over and see.
I hear silverware slam against the counter making me jump slightly. "But how did you get up there!?" I laugh before jumping down and kissing his cheek. Walking out of the kitchen I giggle when I hear him say I didn't answer his question.
¬¬¬¬¬¬time skip¬¬¬¬¬¬
"Hey Pat."
".....Sweetie what on earth are you doing underneath the couch?"
"It's nice under here. I found a quarter!"
Patton laughs and sits down on the floor. "Might want to stick your feet in hun, almost tripped Roman earlier."
"Oh sorry." After I stick my feet further in the couch I continue to scroll through my phone. Patton stays on the floor for a bit, probably watching tv, before I see his face come into view.
"How did you even get in there?! There is hardly any space between the floor and the couch!" I giggle and squirm myself out the other end, making my way around the couch to give Pat a kiss. "You and Logan always ask the same questions." I leave the living room with a confused Patton still in it.
¬¬¬¬¬¬smaller time skip¬¬¬¬¬¬
"I swear Virgil you continue to baffle me."
"I'm trying to nap Ro."
"I can see that but why on earth are you napping on the banister? You could roll off then roll down the stairs! You'll hurt yourself!"
I sigh, as much as I love my boyfriends they are getting in the way of my naps.
"How did you even manage to balance yourself on there?"
"I don't know Princey it just happens." I yawn and get off the banister, making sure to kiss Roman on the way to my room.
I honestly don't know how I get on or in places I Hm, I wonder what places I haven't tried yet. Somewhere that will really get my boyfriends on edge.
Ooooh I have the perfect place in mind, I haven't been up there in a while.
¬¬¬¬¬¬time skip to dinner¬¬¬¬¬¬ (sorry for all the time skips)
It's so peaceful up here. Why did I stop using this place to nap?
"Come on out Verge!"
"He's probably in one of his weird sleeping places."
I giggle as I hear my boyfriends searching for me. I'm more than certain they wouldn't even think to look on the roof, especially this shaded part near my window. I've been here for a while, I got a really awesome nap in.
"Virgil please come on out! We're going out to dinner with Thomas!"
Oh, guess I should go back inside. I try to open my window but find it locked. Locked!! I didn't do it so it must have been one of them while they were looking for me. Great, now I'm stuck on the roof....wait I have my phone! Quickly calling Patton I wait.
"Hello? Virgil? Where are you?!"
"Heh, well you see.." I hear shuffling then Roman's booming voice through my phone.
"Virgil we are going to be late!! Where in the blazes are you!?"
"Let him speak Roman."
"Thanks Logan. I'm uh actually..stuck on the roof..."
"How do you manage to do these things!!??" I hear more shuffling, muffled curses, Patton saying language at least twice and a door slamming.
"Hello?" Hanging up the phone I can hear my boyfriends out in the yard, trying to decide on how to get me down.
"This wouldn't be a problem if Roman hadn't used the ladder to build a sword holder!"
"I wouldn't have had to if Logan would've helped me with the stupid Ikea one I couldn't build!"
"Now darlings we're supposed to be getting Virgil down."
I couldn't help but giggle at their bickering which seemed to draw their attention to me. I give a small wave and receive three 'awws' making me stick my tongue  out at them.
"What if I just jump down? I'm sure one of you can catch me."
"I'll do it!" Jesus, all three of them shouted at the same time and now we have a new problem.
"I'm jumping so someone better catch me." Not caring if they heard me or not I stand and just kinda walk off.
Bracing myself for impact I get caught in three pairs of arms instead. Well more like I landed on all three of them, creating a soft landing for me.
"I love you guys." Giving all three of them a deep kiss I stand and brush myself off.
"Let's go I'm hungry." I giggle when I hear them groan when they stand and slowly follow me. Now they hopefully will stop asking how I get into and onto places.
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Hope you enjoyed💙

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