Bad influence.

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Ship:Platonic Analogical
Third person's POV:
"Your mom misses you... I'm sorry, while that was savage, it was a little extra."
"What did you do to him?" "Now Logan, where did you learn such childish humor?"
All Virgil could do was smirk at Roman and Patton, feeling a bit proud of Logan. They had gotten a lot closer over their debate, that much being shown in Logan's use of Virgil's slang, and while Patton was happy for his dark strange son he still had to scold him. "Virgil, don't be a bad influence on Logan and teach him not nice words," with his hands on his hips and a finger wagging in the air Patton really took on the dad role.
Virgil looked a bit defeated. He tuned everything after 'bad influence' and focused on that.
A bad influence.
I was just trying to "bond" with Logan like Patton wanted. We finally started getting along, started to become friends. As always I can't seem to get anything right. All my negative thinking must have shown through on my face because I felt Logan put his hand on my shoulder. "He is not being a bad influence on me Patton. Virgil is simply helping me understand something better, and we are bonding as per your request." He gave me a small smile which I tried to return, he was being nice again and I still am not used to it.
It was quiet for a few seconds before Patton realized how right Logan was and started apologizing. After that everyone went to their own rooms, well except for me I went with Logan to his. Something about discussing some space theories. I wasn't opposed to it, but Patton's words were still ringing in my head.
Bad influence.
I sigh sitting on Logan's bed while he sits in his desk chair. "Are you okay Virgil?" "I'm fine." He doesn't look convinced but left it alone. We started a discussion on the theory of other life beings in space and it helped me get my mind off things. I really enjoyed talking with Logan, he understands reality better than the other two and doesn't shoot down my opinions right away. I felt like I could be myself when we talk with no fear of being shot down or degraded. He's the first trait I feel comfortable around enough to talk freely, hell I even took my hoodie off around him!
Even though it's just Logan, just one trait, it's a huge step for me opening up to the others. Eventually I'll be this comfortable, maybe even more, around everyone. I'll be accepted by the others too and I'll be apart of the family. But for right now, debates and discussions will do just fine.
. ..... .
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