Fight or flight pt.2

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T.W:Same as the last
"I don't like being in here."
"There's nothing wrong with being here Verge! The imagination is a wonderful place!"
"The ground turns black everytime I step somewhere because the room thinks I'm evil."
"......yes well I haven't fixed that part yet. I do apologize Virgil."
I just shrug and continue walking behind him. He had dragged me in here for some sort of adventure but it's slowly just turning into a hike around the imagination.
I sigh and take in my surroundings, noticing we're in a pretty dense forest and the sun is starting to set. Oh god there's that feeling again. It's the same as when we were out at night with Thomas. Learning my lesson from last time I get Roman's attention in order to tell him.
"Princey....I got a had feeling. Maybe we should head back?"
"Nonsense! Nothing is wrong and even if it was I'm here."
That did nothing to easy my anxiety but I just continued to follow knowing it's best to stay close to Roman when in here. Focussing on my breathing I slowly calm down, distracting myself by touching different trees watching them turn black and then back to normal. It used to just stay black but Roman really has been trying to fix that, which is nice but takes a while.
The sun was significantly lower than earlier and the trees were making it seem darker than it actually was. Being Anxiety, I have a certain skill set, my fight or flight instincts and my observation skills. I can hear and see things way better than anyone else can, which is proving to be useful right now.
"Yes Verge? You alright?"
"I can hear something, and it sounds hungry."
He stops walking to listen and soon draws his sword. "It could be nothing but better safe than sorry."
I get behind him as he walks in the direction of some weird growling noises, oh god it sounds like it'll eat me. We get to a small break in the trees and spot nothing. Roman looks around before stepping closer to the middle, freezing and whipping his head to the side.
"Virgil, get behind me."
"Get behind me now Virgil."
I do as he says and peek over his shoulder just to be met with glowing yellow eyes. I shrink back as the growling is louder now, Roman's grip on his sword tightening. The panic was building up inside me as the...thing got closer to us. It wasn't the usual panic or even the panic I felt when I fought that guy to get Patton, it was new.
Instead of my vision going red when I was fighting it was grey, which I soon figured was flight. Guess that's what is deciding to kick in and I'm not about to ignore it.
"Put your sword away." That didn't even sound like me!
"Virgil I'm not going to make us vulnerable."
"Just listen to me Roman."
He looks hesitant but does what I tell him. I don't know what came over me but I just grabbed Roman and ran. I've never ran like this before, I'm not even sure where I was going. Vaguely hearing  Roman protest about me going to fast doesn't knock me out of whatever trance I'm in. Something was just telling me to keep running. Over and over again I just felt the urge to run away. 
Virgil is going to run into a tree at this point. With the death grip on my arm and the out of focused look his eyes, he's bound to hit something. I can't even try to steer him! We're going to crash into something.
"Virgil!! Slow down!! You're going to fast!"
I soon realize that he's probably blacked out and won't stop until he deems us 'safe'. I just do my best to keep up and dodge any obstacles. We soon make it to the door that leads into my room, connecting the mindscape to the imagination.
Virgil finally stops, not letting go of my hand, turns and checks behind us. His eyes dart all around a few times before he pulls me through the door. I can see his eyes focus in and his grip on my arm loosens. He shocks me as he doubles over panting loudly, practically wheezing.
"Verge? You alright there?"
The only response I got was loud panting and wheezing. Chuckling I make him stand straight before grabbing him by the waist and throwing him over my shoulder.
"Come on Mr. Fight or Flight, let's get you some water. I'll help you build up that stamina tomorrow."
Virgil doesn't protest and I couldn't help but smile on our way to the kitchen. This little emo has already rescued me twice huh?
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Hope you enjoyed💙

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