Cardigan clad clan

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Ship:Platonic PolySanders
Virgil was in the common room staring at the ceiling while laying on the coffee table. He had been noticing just how much Patton does for them and ,while he might be over thinking this, he felt bad that Patton did pretty much everything. Sighing, he got up and spotted the trait on his mind in the kitchen. Patton looks tired but happy none the less, like a new dad with a baby. Virgil doesn't even bother offering his help since he knows it'll just get shut down. Getting a determined look on his face, Virgil goes to find the other two with a plan to get Patton to relax.
¬¬¬¬¬time skip to next day¬¬¬¬¬
I wake up before everyone with a smile on my face. While getting dressed I think about what to make for breakfast like I usually do but something was off today. I entered the kitchen to find the other three up and breakfast made,"Kiddos? What's going on?" Virgil spoke first,"You are relaxing today dad. No ifs, ands or buts about it." Then Logan,"You do a lot for us and we wanted to repay you. Virgil had the idea to do everything you do on a daily basis in order to give you a rest." Roman immediately spoke after Logan," So today you are relaxing while we do the house work!"
I couldn't help but smile at them for being so thoughtful. "Alright then kiddos. Let me know if you need any help," I go back to my room planning on taking a long nap and maybe do some colouring later.
Alright, with Patton finally relaxing we better get to work if we want enough time to finish his surprise. We each had a list of Patton's day to day chores divided up equally. I had cleaning the rooms, cooking, and washing the clothes. Logan had replenishing anything that needed to be (i.e lightbulbs, food etc.), trash and cleaning the bathrooms. Roman had all the garden work, and anything else having to do with outside. He had all the dirty work since it was Logan and myself that organized the list.
After breakfast we went to work, which means cleaning the rooms. I'll start with the living room and work my way from there. Where does Patton keep the vacuum again?
~~~(another time skip and point of view change sorry)~~~
Wow, I don't think I've felt this relaxed in some time. I took a nap, coloured, watched movies, ate junk food, and even had a long bath! I feel so good! Maybe we should do this whole relaxing thing more often. I better go check on the kiddos, just to make sure they don't need any help.
I walk into the living room and let out a gasp, catching the attention of the other three sides. The entire mind was clean except for them. Roman had mud and grass stains on his clothes, grass in his hair and some odd substance on his face. Logan was covered in odds and ends of trash it seemed, there was toilet paper stuck to his face (it looks like a spit ball honestly) and his glasses and hair were wet. Virgil, my dark strange and sweet son, had a thick layer of dust covering his entire body, along with food bits and smelled of lemon cleaner.
"H-Hey dad...." I bust out laughing, I was trying to hold it in but I couldn't anymore. "Oh my kiddos, you sure did a lot today didn't you?" I get three nods in return and shy smiles. Virgil steps forward,"Uh Dad listen....we have a surprise for you but we need to get cleaned up so please go back to your room." I smile at him and nod,"Just let me know when I can come out! And be sure to fix whatever you broke, before you ask I am dad I know all." I giggle before going back to my room.
It wasn't too long afterwards, maybe about an hour, before I get called out to the living room. Once I get there I can't help but tear up. They are all dressed like me! They put their own twists on my outfit and they look amazing!

 They are all dressed like me! They put their own twists on my outfit and they look amazing!

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"We wanted to make sure you knew how much we appreciated you dad. We love you a lot...I love you a lot.." Virgil gave me a rare smile and I pulled him into a hug. "You do a lot for us and we love you for that. We just hope to be of more help in the future,"Roman joins in on the hug before Logan speaks up. "In words we cannot describe the amount of gratitude you deserve Patton. We will be sure to divide everything equally and give you more of these free days," to my surprise Logan joined the hug all by himself without me pulling him in.
"Aww kiddos....I love you all too! Thank you so, so much for toady." I couldn't keep the grin off my face, looking at my kiddos dressed up just like me. They put in a lot of work today and I couldn't be happier to have them.
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Hope you enjoyed💙
I'm working on the requests so please bare with me

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