In the past

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T.W: Panic attack, fighting, past abuse, some cussing if that makes you uncomfortable
Ship: None?
Note:Dark sides share characteristics and come from the same place
He's back.
Why is he here?
He isn't supposed to be here.
The others are treating him so well too. "Kiddo! Be nice and come greet Deceit." I couldn't help but be bitter, letting out a growl and snapping at Patton,"Oh so is that how we're greeting new traits now? I don't remember my greeting being so welcoming." I start walking towards my room in order to not look at Pat's hurt face when I'm pulled back. I hiss at whoever grabbed me and get an equally as venomous one in return. I yank my arm out glaring at snake-face,"Don't touch me snake." "Awww is the wittle kitten angry?" Deceit and I glare at each other and growl like animals, the others either too scared or confused to intervene.
"Listen, Anxiety, hissing at each other won't get us anywhere," I flinched at the use of that name,"so maybe we could just calmly address everything?" The glint in his eye and that smirk were just making me more on edge, but pushing down the urge to hiss again and run, I spoke with my voice already going deep and echoey. "I don't want to talk to you." All he did was smirk, his voice had a hiss behind it and I knew that wasn't good. We stood there glaring at each other until I scoffed and turned to leave again.
"Deceit vs. Fight or flight. I guess deceit wins. Funny, I never expected you to run away Virgil." That's it.
With a loud growl I practically tackle him, pinning him to the ground. "You lost the right to say my name," I didn't recognize my own voice but I didn't care. He sent me a glare before kneeling my stomach to get me off him,"I was the first to have that right you seem to forget." I go to tackle him again but he was prepared for that and punched me in the face. I heard the others gasp but I wasn't too concerned with that right now, this has all happened before. The same cycle when we were together and it continues now that he's here with us. "You were also the first one to lose it." My fight reflexes kicked in and we started fighting dirty.
After much hair pulling, scratching, biting, kicking and punching Roman pulled me up by my waist while Logan had Deceit by his arms. We were both pretty banged up and bleeding but we still struggled against their holds trying to get another hit in. "Alright that's enough!!" Everyone froze as Patton yelled, his dad voice in full effect. We broke free from our holds and stood a good distance from each other. "Now you both will stop this nonsense and explain what is happening. Am I understood?" We were silent still glaring at each other, "I said, Am I understood?" Nodding we sat down, not even cleaning ourselves up wanting to get this over with. I decided to go first. "Dark traits like.... us are all in one place in the mind. Not like here with rooms we were just...there. I was the youngest and smallest among everyone, I was weak and didn't want to be bad, I wanted to help! I was bullied for that and treated like nothing, especially by this reptile over here."
They were quiet for a bit, processing everything I said. Deceit decided to speak now,"You're a dark trait Anxiety. I was just trying to help you! You needed to act like what you are in order to stay safe back there but no you just had to come over to the lights." Roman looked ready to punch him, Logan looked angry which was a rare sight and Patton looked so broken. That's it. I slammed my hand on the table, "You use to beat me!! You literally beat my name out of me!! I couldn't take it anymore! The beatings, the names, the pain you put me through. You were the nicest one back there and you treated me the worst... I had to get out of there before I ended up like you.."
I didn't notice I was crying until I felt a tear fall on my hand. "I'm leaving." I went to my room before anyone could stop me, not noticing the foot steps behind me. "Virgil?" I whip around to see Patton there with a worried expression and open arms. Damn. Finding myself in his embrace I break down crying, getting a bit of blood and makeup on his shirt. "Shh kiddo it's okay. You know we'll protect you now right? We won't let that happen to you ever again." I nod, for once since Deceit showed up feeling safe again. I know they care for me now. I'm with people who love me and are nice to me. Even if he's here to stay I'll always have them.
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Hope you enjoyed!💙

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