Bad Boys Only

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Ship: Prinxiety
Note: I'll be adding some traits.
This is ridiculous. I am a prince for crying out loud! I don't get told I'm not allowed somewhere! Especially if my boyfriend is in that somewhere! It's their own faults for setting up in the living room anyway. "I will be telling Patton about this!" A hand shot out of the huge blanket fort, that has been placed in the center of the living room, and stuck the middle finger at me. Me!! Ugh I swear! I hear snickering from inside, probably making fun of my offended noises but oh well I am offended!
The dark traits, including my boyfriend, decided to build a blanket fort and tape a sign that says 'Bad Boys Only' while refusing to let anyone else in. I had wanted to spend time with Virgil today but I'm not even allowed to talk to anyone inside the fort according to 'the rules.' What rules I have no idea but they are there.
Sighing in defeat I head back to my room to watch Disney, hoping to get my mind off of wanting to do this with Virgil. I know he feels less like an outcast with the darker ones, even after we accepted him and after we started dating he felt out of place. I'll let him has his fun, even if it isn't with me.
¬¬¬¬¬time skip¬¬¬¬¬
After hours of Disney movies I head into the kitchen for a snack, I seemed to have missed lunch and am quite hungry. Maybe I'll make pasta, or get Patton to because I can't cook....I hope Patton left me something in the fridge. When I enter the kitchen I have to duck in order not to get hit in the face with an egg. Scanning the room I see that all the dark traits have moved from the fort to the kitchen and seem to be having a food fight.
Virgil is standing on the counter tossing flour at those below, Deceit is hitting traits with a spoon and using a bowl as a shield, Greed is splashing milk everywhere, Temptation has a bag of sugar that he's eating from with a spoon, Remus is literally pelting the others with eggs and Wrath is trying to take cover. Giggles and the occasional squeal can be heard. Patton is not going to like this, I better stop them so they have time to clean up.
That makes the whole scene freeze, but it startles Virgil who loses his balance on the counter. Luckily I was quick enough to catch him, getting myself dirty in the process. "Hey Princey, nice catch." I roll my eyes and set him on the ground. "What do you think you all are doing Virgil? Patton is going to be furious!"
"Don't worry we will have it cleaned up before he comes back."
"That doesn't explain what you were doing."
Virgil gives me his famous smirk and takes a step closer to me. "I wanted to bake you cookies as an apology for not hanging out today, but I needed help and one thing lead to another so here we are." I couldn't help but smile and pull him close to me. He wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss that I happily return. After a very long kiss I pull away when someone clears their throat reminding me that we aren't alone.
"As sweet as you are I'm not helping you clean, but you're more than welcome in my room for movies once you're done." With one final kiss I pull away and head back to my room not even bothering to hide my own smirk. I pass Patton on the way to my room and laugh very loud when I hear him scolding them for making a mess.
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Hope you enjoyed💙
Check out my new book! The first chapter is already up!

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