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T.W: Nothing yet
Ship: Platonic LAMP
Logan and Patton are going to kill me.
This is my last day alive I know it for sure.
Oh dear he's just so cute! His tiny little glare is adorable!
"I hate you Pwincey. I neva comin on qwest again."
I accidently turned Virgil into a toddler....
"Yes yes so you've said. Now shush while I get us home."
All Virgil did to respond was stick his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes but keep my hold on his hand as we make our way into my room from the imagination. We would've been here sooner but Virgil didn't let me carry him and his tiny legs only went so fast.
Once there I find Logan and Pat in the living room, thank goodness.
"Um...Pat? Logan? We may have a tiny situation here."
At Virgil's voice Patton's head whips around and his eyes light up. Before any of us can comprehend anything Patton has Virgil in his arms in a tight hug.
"Patton don't overwhelm-," Logan gets interrupted by Virgil giggling and snuggling into Patton.
I can practically see Logan's brain stop working and Patton's heart swell. Virgil is just so cute!! Pair his tiny cuteness with Patton and they are just too much!
Patton smiles wider and cuddles him closer. Gushing over how cute he is and that 'yes dada is here'. I see Logan smile slightly at the sight before turning to me.
"What did you do to him?"
".....I lost him in the imagination and when I found him....the dragon-witch got to him first."
"I see. Do you have a way to change him back?"
"I'll take that as a negative. It doesn't seem to be a problem here but I'll go check with Thomas to make sure he is alright."
I nod and turn back to Patton when Logan sinks out. Virgil is giggling as Patton tickles him while cooing at how cute he is.
"Look at your little freckles! AH you are as cute as the day you popped up! Now my baby really is my baby!"
I chuckle and cast a glance at Virgil who all in all seems to be loving all of Patton's attention. I really have to find a way to fix him, maybe just not right now. It could be nice to have little feet running around the mind, paired with those adorable giggles. We'll just have to wait and see if Logan comes back with any bad news, if not it looks like Patton is going to be on mega dad mode for a while.
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Hope you enjoyed💙
I need to stop making multi-part chapters.
Part two will be out soon!

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