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Coffee Shop AU
Ship:Analogical and Morince
"Welcome to Dark Roast, what would you like?" I say the memorized line in a monotone voice like I usually do, ignoring the 'With a smile Virge!" from Patton. Working with him is great, I probably would've quit already if not for him honestly. It gets pretty boring when the rush has died down, we usually just talk and joke around. It was getting to that time right about now, well I thought it was until two similar looking guys walked in. One was dressed in a red shirt under a white hoodie and red converse, a confident grin plastered on his face. The other was dressed in a black shirt, blue tie and jeans that fit him just right, looking over the place through black rimmed glasses.
They caught our attention and not just because we had no customers, it was because they were fucking hot. Shooting a quick glance at Patton, knowing he was thinking the exact same thing, I get ready to take their order. Clearing his throat the one with the glasses walks up first,"Welcome to Dark Roast, what can I get you?" Thanking whatever entity was out there for my voice not wavering or cracking, I practically go red in the face when he starts talking,"Yes, just a black coffee please." Nodding I write it down,"Name?" "Logan." I switch places with Patton as he talks the other guys order, shamelessly flirting as he writes down the order with the other guy, Roman I overhear, flirting right back.
As he's making Roman's complicated ass drink he whispers to me,"I call dibs on the one in white." I chuckle and nod, "You can have him, I like the one in glasses." I glance behind us and they seem to be in a really serious conversation, with Logan's face flushed and Roman with a loopy grin on his. I walk back to the counter with both of their drinks,"Logan and Roman." They both walk up, grabbing their drinks before Roman starts talking to Pat again, leaving Logan standing with me.
Being the anxious person I am, I don't start up a conversation. What if I say something wrong? Or my voice cracks or-okay Virgil calm down. Lucky for me he speaks up,"I do apologize for my brother's harassment of your co-worker. His mouth is faster than his brain." I chuckle and shake my head,"Pat seems to be enjoying it so it's fine. Me on the other hand am not enjoying my best friend getting hit on without me providing a sarcastic comment," he gives a small smile at that and glances at my name tag. "Virgil hmm? That's a very unique name, I like it," I flush lightly, mumbling a thank you.
Now the silence between us is a comfortable one, before Roman ruins it by telling Logan they have to go. He hands Patton a napkin with a wink, while Logan nods in my direction in goodbye. I do my two finger salute as he walks out, Roman however stays behind writing something on a different napkin."My brother is very interested but is too much of a scaredy cat to give you his number so here," handing me it he smiles at Pat before leaving. Patton grins at me, putting his napkin in his pocket carefully,"So I'm thinking a double date?" Hiding my face I mumble a 'shut it' before he giggles and gushes about Roman. I look down at the number, letting a small smile form on my face before slipping it in my pocket.
.        . 
Hope you liked it💙 I might do a part two but from Patton's POV

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