Ch. 45: The Small Things (Part 1)

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A/N: Did anyone listen to 'Flower Road' by BigBang yet? Drowning in feels because of my kings' new song. Plus, they even sang "BiiigBang". They haven't done that in years. The lyrics got me tearing up. Can't believe we have to wait a few years to see them and hear their voices again. #WillWaitForOurKings #VIPUntilTheEnd


~later that night~

~at his place~

 After going through the list that Minhyuk ever so kindly provided for me, I still was not sure of where to go. It is almost like I advanced to square two but still somewhat stuck in square one. 

Normally, people would buy flowers for their crushes, but Kihyun is allergic to pollen. So, flowers are a no go. The paper does say that he is into photography, collecting figurines of his favorite anime character or game character, and video games. But,  I can't just gift him a camera for no good reason. Plus, it didn't specify what anime or game he preferred the most. The rest of it just goes on to describe what kind of person Kihyun is from, what kind of things he likes about another person, so on, and so forth.

Judging from the characteristics that are listed, I would say that I suit majority of them. But, a small part of me thinks that my shortcomings would stand in the way a bit. I am not a very expressive person at times nor am  I a big talker. I'm not as capable or natural looking as Hoseok in the aegyo department. But, my best qualities should make up for it, right? After all, no one is perfect.

 Before I tossed the paper onto my desk, I saw another note that Minhyuk included at the end of the bullet point list:

"Break his heart and I'll never forgive you. Mark my words. Love, M."

I laughed lightly as I read this because it doesn't really seem like Minhyuk could actually do anything against me, but  who knows. Maybe, he is actually an insanely strong person despite being real skinny.


~the next morning~

  As I got off the bus today, I stretched as I walked to the front of the restaurant. It is my turn to do prep with Mingyu, Yoongi, and Hyunwoo. Right when I was about to open the door, someone beats me to it. I looked at the suspect (Hyunwoo) briefly and said, "Thank you." 

"Good morning," he says in a slightly higher tone then normal.

"Morning...," I said and eyed him a bit for the sudden change in tone but decided to not to think much on it. It probably was the caffeine as I can smell coffee radiating from his body.


"Good morning, you two," I called out to Mingyu and Yoongi.

"Morning,"  says a sleepy Yoongi who then yawns.

"Right back at you two," says Mingyu as he poked Yoongi in the side which caused the elder to smack him. After I put on my apron, I went over to the fridge to take out the protein of the day which was Alaskan salmon, lobster, bluefin tuna, and scallops.

  Thinking that I could save myself several trips back and forth, I tried to lift three bins of seafood at one time. When I was halfway back to the kitchen counter that I wanted to put it on, I nearly dropped them from the weight of them both. But, out of nowhere, Hyunwoo quickly grabs all three of the bins away from me.

"Do you want me to put them here," he asks while carrying the bins with ease.

"Yeah...," I replied. He sets them down before going back to do the garnishes.

Weird...why is he being so weird today? Did he do something wrong and is afraid that I would get mad at him? Hmm.... something fishy is going on and it ain't the fishes... 

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