Ch.3: You Again?!

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~the gym~

~the next day~

*labored breathing and grunts*

   As sweat dripped from my brow, I couldn't wipe it off just yet as I was bench pressing 100 pounds plus the 20 pounds of the Olympic bar, and was not about to stop in the middle of my reps. Hoseok comes over and pokes me between my eyebrows.

"What are you doing?"

"Working out..."

"Your dad says you need to head over to the restaurant to learn the ropes."

"I will after I finish my workout," I grunted and put the bar back on the rack. I moved out from under it and swipe my towel off the ground to wipe off the sweat. He cocks his head to the side and shakes his head.

"President-nim stated that you must work at the restaurant and not sweat like a pig everyday," he says mockingly.

"Psh, my dad would never say such vulgar words," I snorted.

"Okay, fine. I might have add some MSG, but either way, you should head back to the restaurant," he replies and walks away. I sighed and made my way over to the showers.

~9:00 a.m.~

~at the restaurant~

When I entered through the front door, the bell attached to it rang and a tall lanky figure in a suit comes to greet me. "Hey there! I'm Minhyuk. The boss told me that you would be working here from now on. Nice to meet you," he states and reaches out his hand. I shook his hand.

"Ah, nice to meet you too, Minhyuk-ssi," I replied as warmly as I could.

"Let me show you around. As you can see, this is the lobby and waiting area," he says. After a while, we finally got to the kitchen. Inside, the chefs were busily preparing their stations. "Ki Ki, come here!" A bubble gum haired man looks up from what he was doing.

"Minhyuk-ah, how many times do I have to say that you cannot call me that," he... Ki Ki yelled. He shifts his gaze over to me. "You muscle bound rock. What are you doing here again," he said haughtily.

"Umm," I started, but Minhyuk beat me to it.

"This person here is Son Hyunwoo, the owner's son. He will be working here from now on," he says like it was his business to say who's son I was. I glared at him and sighed as what was said could not be taken back.

"Hello, I am Son Hyunwoo. Please take care of me," I said and did a small bow.

"I am Yoo Kihyun, the head chef in this joint," he answers.

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