Ch. 75: Caught in a Lie

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A/N: Can't wait for Love Yourself:Tear to drop!


~the next day~

"Hey, Hyung," I called out to Kihyun who was in the kitchen cooking like always.


"Can I look through the pictures you took yesterday?"


"Because I am allergic to flowers and would like to see what they look like now that they are in bloom," I answered.

*shuffling sounds*

"Sure," he replies.

I picked up the camera and slid on the safety strap so that I wouldn't drop the expensive camera.  The camera lets out a musical sound before it blinked on. I clicked around until I got to the photo gallery. Seeing that there was around eighty photos, I chose the sideshow option to save myself the hassle of clicking the right arrow repeatedly.

Instantly, close ups of cherry blossoms played across the screen at different angles. You could clearly see the inside of them and the small dark pink dots in the middle. One picture had a bee drinking nectar from one of the blossoms. Another was a picture of baby birds in a nest in one of the trees. 

Next up was pictures of Kihyun taking selfies with petals tangled in his hair. After that, pictures of Kihyun and a certain someone  with cotton candy graced the screen. To this, I was not particularly surprised that they were together as I knew that they like each other from the looks that they gave each other at work. So, Kihyun finally decided that he deserved to be loved...

 I frowned as Kihyun made such weird faces while Hyunwoo just smiled awkwardly. I inwardly groaned as I felt second hand embarrassment from the pink haired male. But, what really caught me attention was Hyunwoo kissing Kihyun on the cheek. Soon after those pictures, there was a sort of blurry picture of Hyunwoo kissing Kihyun on the lips.

"No way," I said a bit too loudly.

"What? No way what," Kihyun asks from the kitchen.

I smirked and made my way to the kitchen with the camera still on that picture behind my back.


"Yeah," he asked after turning around to face me.

"Are you dating Hyunwoo hyung?"

He gasps and chokes on his spit before saying, "What?!"

"You heard me...," I purred.

"Psh... me and that muscle bound rock? Yeah right," he says quickly and tripped over some words which all but signaled that he was lying.

"You're lying, hyung..."

"No, I am not," he says with blush lightly dusting his puffy cheeks.

"Oh, really? Then, can you explain these pictures," I asked and held out the camera with the screen facing him . He looks down at the screen and gasps again.

"Shit," he whispers to himself.


~5 minutes later~

"Oh my god, Hyung. You guys are so cute," I screeched as Kihyun told me the details.

"Shut up," he growls and smacks my hand when I tried to pinch his cheek.

"Such an innocent like relationship like it is both of you guys first time dating," I shrieked.

"...," Kihyun doesn't say anything and just glares at me.

"Kihyun and Hyunwoo sitting in a tree..," I started to sang to infuriate the male in front of me.

"That's enough," he shouts and threw what he could get his hands on which happened to be a quarter head of aged kimchi. I quickly ducked and watched it sail over my head to only hit the white wall behind me. I stuck out my tongue at him and ran for cover.

"Chae Hyungwon! Get back here," the smol male yells after me.

A/N: 1k votes<33333333333333

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