Ch. 120: Come Back to Me

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A/N: 26.8k views and 2.8k votes<3 Feeling so blessed that people like my writing.


"Sir, please calm down, and tell us what happened," an ER nurse tells as she places the stethoscope under Kihyun's shirt to hear his heartbeat. 

"CaLm DoWn?! HOW CaN I Be CALM IN thIS situATION," I shouted. 

"Sir, if you don't tell us, we can't help," she says as she gestures for someone to bring a gurney.

"He passed out after coughing up blood. He has been losing so much weight. He hasn't been sleeping," I said quickly. Several more nurses came over.

"Sir, if you could, please let go of the patient," one of the new nurses said. I nodded stiffly, but couldn't bring myself to do it. The nurses who spoke had to pry him out from my arms. They give me a sympathetic look before lifting Kihyun onto the gurney.

 I could hear nothing but white noise as I watched the nurses take Kihyun from my arms onto a gurney before wheeling him away. I stood up on shaky legs and walked after them numbly, but was eventually stopped by a nurse and was told to sit down on the seats outside of the Intensive Care Unit. 

The ticking of the clock in the hall, the humming of machinery, and the sounds of people milling around gradually faded into the background as my mind is preoccupied thinking about Kihyun. Tears drip down my cheek to my chin. I absentmindedly wiped it away with the back of my hand and bent forward. I held the nape of my neck with both hands and closed my eyes trying to will myself to wake from this nightmare.

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself still in this sterile smelling building. Tears began to drip down faster making my vision blur. Seconds later, I felt short of breath. I unbutton the first two buttons of my shirt as if it would alleviate this feeling, but I knew that it wasn't because of my shirt that I am feeling short of breath. 

I leaned back in my seat and rested the back of my head on the white wall with my eyes closed. A second became a minute. A minute became a hour. It felt like an eternity before the doctor came out of the ICU. The doctor looks at me with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Are you the guardian of Yoo Kihyun," the doctor asks. (A/N: This hospital is the one Kihyun has been going too. This doctor is the one who has been treating him.)

"Yes,  I am his fiance. Doctor, is he okay," I asked nervously.

"He is stable right now, but he still hasn't woke up yet. We have to keep him here to monitor him until he does, and run some tests as this incident seems to have occurred due to the preexisting illness that he has," she answers slowly. The words that came out of her mouth made me feel many things. My mind is reeling at this. She reaches out to place a hand on my shoulder, but I moved out of the way. She retracts her hand and interlocks her fingers together.

"Is there someone I can call for you? Can I...," she starts to ask.

I shook my head and asked, "Can I go in and see him now?"

"Of course. If you need anything or if anything happens, feel free to tell me or one of the other medical staff members here," she smiles before bowing and walking away. I didn't answer and got onto my feet. I went over to the door, hit the open button, and walked in. I scanned the whole room to look for my Kihyun. I found him in his own room towards the back. 

My heart ached with each step that I took to get closer to him. He looked so pale and his once vibrant pink hair seemed like matte pale sakura pink. Soon enough, I could hear the soft beeps of the machinery that was hooked up to him. I opened the glass door that was separating us and a whimper escapes my mouth. The door closes on its own when I let go. 

I walked over slowly to Kihyun and sat down on the armchair next to him. I grab his hand and kissed it. His hand feels so cold. I rubbed his hand in between mine before putting my forehead against our hands.  

"Kihyun ah~....Baby....come back to me please. I can't live without you. Don't leave me,"  I cried.

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