Ch. 79: Just Like a Movie

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A/N: This chapter will contain spoilers for the movie to 'Train to Busan' so read at your own discretion. =)

**Trigger Warning: Homophobic dialogue will be in this chapter too**


 As I was waiting for Kihyun to finish getting dress, my mind recalled the cute expression he had when I caught him off guard.

"You better wipe that dirty look off your face before I do," Kihyun says as he gave me a judging look. He stuffed his hair back into a frost blue beanie and was wearing a long sleeve black Off White shirt and a pair of light wash jeans that almost matched the shade of his beanie.

"What look," I scoffed with a neutral expression.

He rolls his eyes and walks to the entrance to the kitchen before turning back to look at me. "You coming?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah," I answered and followed him outside.

~outside of the restaurant~

*car beeping open*

Kihyun hurriedly enters my car in order to avoid the cold air not waiting for me to open the door for him. I felt a bit peeved but decided it wasn't a big deal or anything. After hopping in, I turned on the car and started to drive to the movie theater.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Kihyun making a shirt version of sweater paws and the tips of his ears were slightly tinge with pink. Drawing on the remnant courage from Saturday, I placed my right hand on top of his left shirt paw to keep it warm. Kihyun lets out a small gasp before looking out the window to hide his face.

Before we knew it, we had arrived at  the movie theater's parking lot. When I parked the car, Kihyun quickly gets out of the car without giving me a chance to close up the windows, but it was okay as my car is not some old model, where you have to close the windows before you open the door when the engine just turned off or else you would have to turn the key one click and then close the windows. 

When I got out of my car and locked it, Kihyun was leaning against the trunk waiting while sniffing. Not wanting to let him feel the cold any longer, I grabbed onto his hand successfully this time and pulled him to the entrance of the movie theater. He huffs but just let it happen.

~inside the movie theater~

"Can we get some popcorn? And some gummies? Maybe a drink," Kihyun asks as he eyed the concession stand.

"Of course, it wouldn't be a movie without them," I chuckled. Kihyun smiles slightly and began to walk toward ticket stand.

"Wait, we didn't even buy tickets. Haha. Food is always priority, but I don't want them to get cold," Kihyun says.

"Umm, I kind of bought tickets already," I said sheepishly as I pulled out two tickets to 'Train to Busan.' (A/N: Let's pretend that 'Train to Busan' just came out. It's the only recent Korean movie I watched so yeah...)

"No way! You managed to get a pair of tickets for the opening screening for 'Train to Busan.' Oh my goddess," he says cheerfully. 

"Yeah. Who knew it would be as hard as getting tickets to a Kpop concert."

"No shit. I mean with this cast, why wouldn't the tickets for the first screening be in high demand. Okay. Let's get some food before we go in," Kihyun says with a look of disbelief on his face. 

When we got to the front of the line, Kihyun orders a medium popcorn with milk and white choclate drizzled all over, a pack of gummie bears, and two drinks. As I paid for them, I internally cringed at the amount of sugar that they all amount too, but I could always work out a few more hours to work off all the fat and sugar.

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