Ch.25: The First of Many (Part 3)

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A/N:  I do not own the picture above. Credits to the original poster.


~10:33 a.m.~

~his place~

Standing in front of my bed, I looked at the outfits that I set out to wear to our date. Outfit 1 is a simple white t shirt with a leather jacket and jeans (very Grease style I know). Outfit 2 is a maroon colored dress shirt with a pair of obsidian black slacks. And outfit 3 is the classic boyfriend look. After silently mulling it over for a few minutes, I settled on combining outfit 1 and 2. So, I wore the maroon colored dress shirt and jeans. Some parts of the shirt was creased as I just tossed it onto my bed when I was going through my closet. I tried to smooth out the creases to which I failed miserably and just wrinkled it more. In response, I just sighed before walking into the bathroom to do my hair.

~a few minutes later~

Checking my watch, I noticed that I probably should head over to the cafe as it was nearing 11 o'clock.

~on the streets of Seoul~

The cafe wasn't that far by car but I was forced to walk there as Hoseok wanted to borrow it to go to some ramyeon festival in Busan. God knows why that boy loves ramyeon. As I was waiting to cross the street, a little girl approached me and tugged at my sleeve. I squatted down to her height and asked, "Do you need Oppa to help you with something? Did you get lost?" She shakes her head and pouts cutely.

"Can you tell Oppa what your name is?"

"Jisoo," she mumbles.

"Okay. Jisoo ah. Do you know what your eomma's and appa's phone number?"

"What's a phuwne ummmbre?"



"Choi Jisoo! There you are," shouts a very fashionable man.

"Appa," she squeals and runs over to her father. He picks her up and looks at me funny.

"You weren't thinking of doing something to my baby, right?"

"Yeh? I was trying to figure out how to contact you by asking her if she knew what her parents' phone numbers were," I stuttered.

"Appa! Aaaahjussssssi nice no bad," she states while crossing her arms.

"Okay, baby. Appa knows," Jisoo's father cooed.

"Umm, well, I have to get going now. So if you will excuse me..."

"Wait. Won't you let me thank you first?"

"No need. Anyone would have tried to help the little one home," I said while smiling.

"Sure... but thank you so much.... Say if you find yourself at Kwon Shopping Mall, use this business card and get that special someone something pretty," he says after handing me it and winks before walking away with Jisoo attached to his hip. I looked at my watch after tucking away the card into my pocket. It read 11:15 a.m.

"Fuck, I wanted to get there early," I grumbled before running across the crosswalk when it was safe to cross.

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