Chapter 5

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I woke up and tried to roll over only to be stopped by something. I open my eyes to look around and I see Miss Lovato. I feeling her arms around my waist and I try to pull away only to be pulled back. I sigh and slowly grab my pillow and scoot away and stuff a pillow in his arms and she pulls it close putting her face into it taking a deep breath.

I look at the clock to see it reads 2:45 a.m. and sigh. I walk to the bathroom shut and lock the door and slide down the wall putting my head in my hands. I take a deep breath.

Why do I have to always have panic attacks? Why can't I just be normal? I start crying into my hands. I get more and more worked up with all kinds of thoughts running through my head. I start sobbing with my eyes clamped shut. 

I hear a knock and I ignore it not want whoever it is to see me this way.

"Please, Rae, open the door" I hear a female voice say after a few more knocks, but I still ignore it. A few minutes later I vaguely hear two voices outside the door over my crying. "Damn it, Rae, open the damn door before I break it down I don't care if I live here or not." She says sternly but still calmly. I reach up and unlock it. Then it suddenly swings open and Miss Lovato is there kneeling in front of me.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I am okay Miss-" I get cut off. 

"Call me Demi while we aren't at school." She says looking at me "If you want that is" She quickly adds. I just nod.

I keep looking at her and the looks at me and we bit slowly come closer to each other. After what feels like an eternity we are inches from each other, I can feel her breath on my face so I look down at her lips. I look back up at her eyes and they are looking at my lips and when she looks up our eyes meet and we just stare at each other waiting for the other to make the first mood. Then it hits me...

This is my teacher. Holy shit I am about to kiss my teacher and I pull away and look away blushing. I almost lost my first kiss with a girl (I have had a boyfriend when i tried to hide what I am) to my teacher. "I am sorry. I can't kiss someone I barely know for my first time" I blurted before I could stop myself. "Shit. I said that out loud." I say looking away embarrassed. I feel to finger grab my chin like every other time she wants me to look at her.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry about. I should be the one saying sorry. You were vulnerable I should be focused on what you need not what I want." She says looking ashamed. 

I shook my head no and said: "It takes to people to kiss and I was going for it too but like always I screwed everything up because I want my first kiss with a girl to be special." I look down to my hands which were fidgeting on the ground. "I mean I hid who I was for so long and I don't want to mess that up too." 

"Hey," She starts and grabs my face again "please look at me when we are talking and you don't mess everything up. You didn't mess this up either if anyone messed up it was me not because I didn't want to kiss you or because I don't want to but because I can tell you aren't ready I just really wanted to."

"I know I have only known you for a week and I am your teacher but you do things to me. I wanna protect you and help you in any way I can. Don't even get me started on how beautiful you are inside and out. I mean sure you have your issue like always trying to make fun of teachers and embarrass them in class, but that makes you even better. Now let's get off the ground and head back to the bed so that James can come get ready for work and you and I can get a bit more sleep, yeah?" She finishes and I just nod. 

She helps me up and walks me back to my room past James who just smiles lovingly at me "Have a good Saturday, sis. I hope your side feels better and you start feeling better. I just wish I could be here for you" he says as we pass. "I love you too." I respond as he walks into the bathroom.

We get to my bed and she lays me down and slowly crawls over me to the other side of the bed. After a few minutes, I roll over so that I am closer to her but not touching her and facing away. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer. Once I am flat against her body she puts her face in my neck and I slowly fall asleep. 


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