Chapter 46

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Rae's POV 

"Elle, let's go!" I yell outside the door as me and Savi are waiting for her to get ready. 

"I am coming" She yells and the door opens.

We are going to the beach today and I can't wait. I love the beach, when I was little me and my family would for to the beach for vacation all the time. I grew up spending my summers on the beach. 

"Let's go!" I scream running down the hall to the elevator not caring who I pissed of I was going to the beach. 

I hear Savi and Elle laughing but they quickly follow behind me. 

"I don't think I have seen you this excited all trip." Savi says laughing as we get in the elevator and I jump up and down in place. 

"That because the beach is my favorite place ever!" I exclaim in excitement and they both just laugh.

As soon as the door open I run to the front door of the building where Demi and everyone else was already waiting in the van. "Get in! Get in! Get in!" I yell back to Elle and Savi waiting for them to get in so that I can. 

As so as I sit down I can't contain my excitement causing me to bounce up and down in my seat next to Demi.

The whole ride Elle and Savi try to talk to me but I don't pay attention to busy looking out the window's. When I see the beach I can't help but squeal slightly making Demi and the girls look at me weird. 

"What?!? How can you not be happy to see the beach?!?" I exclaim.

"We are." Savi says. "But you are overly happy." She says making me frown for a split second before the smile comes back. 

"No, actually, we are at the second best place on earth so I have a right to be happy!" I look away and out the window. 

As soon as the van stops I get out holding all of my things. 

"Okay guys, here are the rules!" Mrs. Lowry announced. "You don't go anywhere that Miss. Lovato and I can't see you and if you go anywhere else you are to have your phone and answer it!" She says before pausing. "NOW GO!" She screams and everyone disperses. 

I run straight down to the water throwing my things down in a pile. I throw down my shirt and slip my shorts of running straight into the water. Even though, it is freezing I run right in til the water is at my hips and I look up at the sky with my eyes closed just taking it all in. 

I remember all the times we went to the beach as a kid and all the happy memories. I remember the first time I saw the water and I was terrified of the water and my bother and father helped me get over it. I remember the summer before James left before college the last time we went to the beach as a family. 

"Are you okay?" I hear Demi's voice say after a few minutes of standing there and her had on my arm. 

"Yeah." I look at the beach to see everyone doing there own thing. 

"Are you sure? You were so happy earlier and Savi was kind of rude about it. Now, you seem slightly upset." She explains. 

"I am fine." I smile widely at her. "Just remembering childhood memories from the beach. Not this beach obviously but the beach in general." I explain making her smile softly at me.

"I am glad you have those memories." She says pulling me in to a hug which I accept. 

"You can't hug me for long, it'll look weird." I inform her but I don't loosen my grip on her so she doesn't move. 

"Every one here knows you know me personally out of school and I will tell them you were upset and need a hug, they wont care." She says.

"What if I don't want a hug?" I ask pulling back to look at her questioningly.

"Well, tough stuff babe, because I want a hug so I get one." She smirks at me. 

"Is that how it works now? Because last I check that isn't how it worked." I say. 

"Well last time, I checked..." She thinks for a second. "Oh, yeah, that's right. I don't care." She says pulling me back to her making me giggle. 

After a few minutes I pull away. "I am gonna go lay sit with Elle and Savi." I say reluctantly turning to walk away. 

I walk up to Elle and Savi who were laid out on towel and when I walk up Elle looks up at me. 

"What was all the about?" Elle asks amused.

"What?"  ask confused what she is talking about. 

She glance at Savi to see she was still not pay attention to busy looking at her phone.

"We will talk about it at the hotel. I will come to your room before curfew." She says as if whatever it is is a secret. 

"What is it basically about?" I ask.

"You and Miss. Lovato." She says smirking.

I grimce.  "I have no clue what you mean." I inform her. "Do you wanna go get ice cream with me?" I ask excited.

"Yeah, just me me tell her." She says gesturing to Savi.

Once she tells her we start walking.

"So why can't you ask be about what you wanted to talk about?" I ask.

"Because I want a honest answer and I don't think you will give it to me around everyone else." She says.

"If it is something bad can we just not talk about it and you not say anything?" I ask hopefull that it's not about us being in a relationship with Demi.

"It's not necessarily bad I just want to know and I would never tell anyone any of your business because I know you wouldn't tell anyone mine." She says smiling at me as we make it to the ice cream shop.

When we walk in it is packed and there is barely any room to move around. We get in line just as a group of guys come in getting in line behind us. Making the area even more packed and uncomfortable.

I suddenly bump in one of the guys making him quickly spin around look at me with a pissed of look.

"I am sorry." I say quickly but he doesn't care his is still pissed.

"Watch where you are going!" I say loudly making alot of people look over.

"I am sorry, dude, really I didn't mean to there just so many people here it's hard not to bump into people." I try to explain myself my he just seems to get more worked up.

"Oh, I am sure." He says sarcastically.

"Hey! Leave her alone." Elle says getting her attention.

He face turns from a pissed look to a amused sarcastic look.

"Does you little girlfriend always fight your battles?" He asks confusing me.

Just because we are both girls and she happened to stand up for me she must be my girlfriend...? I am pretty sure that ain't how it works.

"Elle, let's just go we will come back later." I suggest. "We can let the fine gentlemen get some them we can come back? You know I can't get in a fight on this trip." I say and the guy instantly looks at me in mock sympathy.

"You? In a fight? Yeah, right." He says and him and his friends start laughing.

I look to the line a notice that it is our turn.

"Elle, let's get, our ice cream and go come on." I grab her arm pulling her back.

We quickly go through the line with the guys constant picking on us. One of the constantly calling us disgusting names. As soon as we leave the building we start heading back to where we were but I have a feeling we are being followed.

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