Chapter 57

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Rae's POV

I sigh and take a deep breath before walking to Demi's room and knocking on the door. After a second without a response I open the door to see Demi laying on the bed clutching me pillow with tear running down her face. I feel my heart break and I feel like I am going to burst into tears as I walk over to her, I crawl onto the bed slowly crawling to her. 

"Demi?" I say quietly as to not scare her. She slightly jumps before looking at me with more tears forming in her eyes. She throws are her arms around me and sobs in to my shoulder and I just hold on to her hoping she will calm down because I have never seen her do this before.

"I am so sorry." She whispers through sniffles so quietly I almost don't hear it. 

I just continue holding the woman I love as she cries into me looking so defeated. 

"Demi, you gotta calm down and talk to me just like you always tell me." I say trying to stay calm, trying to be her rock in this moment like she has been for me so many other times. 

She sniffles be fore looking at me and taking a deep breath. she sits up completely and looks me dead in the eyes. 

"On the trip you told me you were scared, you were scared to loose me because after such a short time you NEEDED me and you didn't want to have to live with out me. That you needed me to be able to sleep at night, you needed me for you panic attacks, you remember that right?" She asks and I nod in confusion. "Well, I do too, maybe not completely in the same way but I can't sleep without you in my bed at night, I can't go an hour away from you without think about you or what you might be doing even at school, and on Saturday It really hit me. I saw you on that floor looking scared but also unresponsive to anything were said or did. It all hit me how I wouldn't be able to go on if anything happened, that night or any night. I didn't know what to do." She says pools of water filling her eyes again. 

"Oh, Demi." I say leaning it her wrapping my arms around her body. "You could have just told me, and hey, I have dealt with this my whole life. Yeah nothing like that has happened before but I have alway had issues with eat. They used have to force me to wake up and eat as a newborn. Everyone thought I'd grow out of it but it never happened. No one ever thought anything of it because I gain weight like I should and when I eat I eat, as you know." I kiss her check. "You have every right to be worried but we will handle this just like we do everything else." I tell her. "I am healthy and happy and I am here with you right now and that won't change for a long time." I finish and she pulls me into a kiss.

"I am sorry about today." She says pulling away. 

"It's okay, now take a nap and I will wake you up when dinner is ready." I say getting up and heading to the door as she lays back down.


"Demi?" Elle asks. 

"Yeah, Elle?" Demi responds as we sit at the table eating dinner before I take her home for the night.

"What are guys doing for Thanksgiving? I mean we have to days of this week for it?" She asks looking between the two of us.

"We actually haven't talked about it." Demi answers look at me. "I figured we would spend Thursday with my family and Friday with James, why do you ask?" She asks. 

"I don't know." She shrugs lying.

"Come on Elle, just tell us." I say looking at he dead in the eye. " I know you are lying." She groans at my words making me giggle.

"It's just I was gonna ask to come over Friday because my mom will be at work all day and I don't want to be alone at the house." She explains blushing in embarrassment.

"Of course, you can come over and spend the day." I telling smiling at her making her laugh. "Maybe we can go out and watch a movie and James and Demi can hang out for a while." I say suddenly looking forward to it.

"I think that is a great idea." Demi says enthusiastically.

"Wait really?!?!? You would let me crash your holiday?" She asks.

"Yeah, except it wouldn't be crashing it would be saving me." I say making Demi look at me in surprise.

"What!" Demi exclaims while laughing.

"They always pick on me when it is the three of us." I explain Elle making her laugh and Demi look at me faking offence before giving in laughing too know that I was right.

After we all calmed down we finish eating and Demi head to her room to start working. I grab Sarge and Elle and I head out to take her home.

"Rae, are you happy?" Elle asks as we are headed to her house.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I mean are happy with where your life is right now? I personally feel like I should have done so much more with my life this point." She explains.

"Well, I never thought I'd make it this far after the accident. I thought I'd be alone in my room for the rest of my life hiding from the world feeling guilty for screwing up James' life plans. I never thought I would have a loving girlfriend or the ability to go out and do things alone like I can with Sarge. I never thought I'd have a friend other than Daphne whose never around anymore. So, I would say, yeah, I am pretty happy with where I am. You should be too. You could be a whole lot worse off with the way your father took off." I say as we pull up to the house and her mother comes walking up to the car.

I roll the window down smiling at the smiling woman walk up to us.

"Hey Elle." Her mother says smiling widely. "Is this Rae?" She asks.

"Yeah this is my friend Rae." She informs her mother.

"Hello, ma'am" I say politely.

With that we talk for a few minutes before they head in to the house and I drive off heading back to Demi's apartment.

When I walk in and let Sarge go where ever he wants before heading to the room. The first thing I see is, papers spread out in the bed and sleeping woman holding a pen loosely as if she fell asleep writing.

I walk over and start picking up the papers. Then take the pen out of her hand and put it all on her night stand before I slowly cover her up since she was already in her night clothes. After that I head into the bathroom to get in the shower before bed.

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