Chapter 43

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Rae's POV

We had just gotten back from dinner seeing Honey and her family. We learned they are from the same town as us. Which is good because that way I won't have to never see that little girl again, she has already decided I have to babysit her sometimes.

"Babe, are you okay you've been quiet since before dinner?" Demi asks as we lay down in "her" bed.

"Yeah, I am good." I say facing away from here.

Truth is though I am not okay. What would have happened if she hadn't listened? What would have happened if Mrs. Lowry was able to get there before me? What if they called the cops? What if she- My thoughts are cut off by Demi's voice.

"I know you are not okay and I know you aren't gonna talk to me but please don't lie to me." She says pulling me to her.

"Okay, fine, I am not okay." I turn to face her. "Just a few months ago I didn't need anyone but myself, I took care of myself, I handled my anxiety attacks, and I could sleep in a bed alone at night. Now though a few months after meeting you I can't do any of those things. I need you around to handle the attacks, I can't sleep without you holding me anymore and you often remind me I shouldn't do things because it's bad for my health." Explain and she listens intently. "All of that scares the shit out of me because what happens when I graduate and go to college. What happens if something happens and I don't have you?" I ask making her suddenly readjust her self to be fully facing me.

"You don't have to worry about that. We will figure it out as if comes we have talked about this before." She says wiping a tear that I didn't realize was falling down my face. "And all that other stuff about college, yeah it's something we will have to deal with but not yet, we have time, and you will never have to live without me unless that is what you choose. I told you, in the beginning, I don't start things I am not going to finish, and with you, finish means forever I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Even if it means missing you for a few years while you are away at college. I can do that if you can." She says before pulling my face to hers.

I slowly kiss back this being the first time in days I have gotten more than just a quick peck on the lips because we have spent so much time around everyone. I, in that moment, realize how much I have missed it so I deepen the kiss by pushing her back throwing a leg over her to straddle her. I feel her tongue run across my lip to ask for entrance but I deny her of it making her make a very animalistic growl sound surprising me as she'd never made that sound before.

I quickly pull back look at her confused and instantly see the look of lust in her eyes. Its been at least 3 days since we had done anything remotely intimate besides sleep in the same bed but people do that all the time.

"Kiss me." She demands pulling me back to her.

She squeezes my butt making me gasp and shoves her tongue in my mouth. I feel her other hand make it's way to the mack of my head running her hand through my hair before gripping it and slightly pulling it. I moan out loud as she does this but she instantly stops.

"We have to stay quiet, there are other student's on either side of our room." She whispers before I nod quickly and she flips us over.

Her hands land on either side of my head supporting her weight as I pull her face back to mine and we instantly get back to kissing. I slowly move my hands to her hips and grab the hem of her shirt. She moves from my mouth down to my neck and I struggle to hold in moans as she finds my spot on my neck.

"Stop." I struggle to get out without moan after a second. "You can't leave a mark. They will know, something is up because you are the only one near me at night." I explain and hear her growl again making me giggle out of breath as she pulls away.

"You can just cover it up." She suggests sounding hopeful.

"I didn't bring anything clothes that could cover it up unless I wear your hoodie but it is kinda to hot to do that and you made me leave my make up because "I look fine without it" even though I was only gonna bring it for this reason." I say smirking knowing she will regret that decision.

"Why didn't you tell me that?" She says sitting up sit straddling my hips.

"I remember saying exactly this: 'Demi, I wanna take it for you'" I say and she looks at me unimpressed. "What else would I mean I don't wear makeup like ever unless I am dressing up which I never do," I say unimpressed. "but I didn't wanna fight so I didn't pack it. Now, you don't get to leave a mark." I say and she looks like she is having an inner battle with her self.

"I will get up early and go get you some makeup. I will tell Sara, I mean Mrs. Lowry, that I need some personal products and I will get you some." She suggests and I simply shake my head.

"Nope, you made me come over and pack only to tell me not to bring it, you specifically told me you weren't going to go pick stuff up if I forgot it." I said and she sighed.

"Fine." She groans rubbing her face in frustration. "Are you gonna punish me now by us not continuing?" She asks.

"Babe, I think that it is for the best, you know I am not the quietest person and I know you will purposely leave marks because I won't be able to stop you," I say and she groans knowing I am right because she has done it. "plus, I need sleep." I say pushing her off of me.

"But, Babe." She whines wrapping her arms around me.

"No, Demi. Unless you can come up with a reason the group needs to go to the store and I will buy myself some." I tell her facing away from her.

"Fine but you aren't stopping me tomorrow." She says turning me back around and I lay my head in her chest using it as a pillow like I always do.

"I love you." I say yawning.

"I love you too, baby girl, good night." She says.

"Mhmm." I said trying to fall asleep.

"You know, babe, usually when a person says good night, you say it back." She says.

"Yep," I say still not saying it "but usually when someone is trying to go to sleep you shut up." I say sarcastically and she chuckles. "Now, hush you want me to have energy tomorrow night, right? That won't happen if I don't sleep, will it?" I ask smirking.

"You shouldn't be so mean to the person who is technically in charge of you." She says.

"And you, love, should not threaten the girl you want something from, huh?" I giggle before shutting my eyes and ignore her.

"But, you got me all hot and bothered and you won't even finish." She wines making me giggle again. "I know you did not just giggle at my suffering, I know you were hot and bothered to you were the one moaning." She says like she just won a million dollars when I instantly stop giggling at her.

"Oh, I was but you decided to make me not bring make up,so no we both get to suffer and I get extra sleep." I say before burring my face further in to her chest making her groan."

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