Chapter 36

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Rae's POV

I wake up to Demi's ringtone so I answer it before I think about what I am doing.

"Hello?" I say confused as I just woke up.

"If you do not open this door in the next 5 minutes you will regret it." She says in a stern tone and you can hear the anger in her voice.

"Fine." I say hanging up and slowly moving the dresser back where it goes. 

I slowly turn the door knob and open the door and see James walking back towards us. They both look pissed and I shyly smile hoping they will forget everything.

"Hi" I say quietly hoping they aren't too mad. 

"Go sit on the bed." She demands and i drop my head slowly walking to the bed and sitting. 

I hear Demi and James walking into the room. I see James feet appear in my vision first and then Demi's. They standing in front of me neither saying anything for a while.

"Are you gonna tell us what that whole scene was about or are we gonna stand her all day?" James ask and I don't dare move. I have made them more mad than I wanted and I am not sure how they are gonna react. 

I see Demi's hand come towards me from her side and I flinch before I can think. I see Demi's hand stop half way to me and she holds it in mid air. She slowly starts to move it to me and walk closer. Her arms make their way around me and she pulls me into a hug. I quickly wrap me arms around her holding on like my life depends on it because it feels like it does.

"Baby, you have to tell us what is wrong or we can't help. If it is us and we don't know that we can't change or at least try to. Please just tell us what is wrong." She asks me and I look up at her as she pulls away. 

"I don't know how to explain it." I say honestly, that's why I hadn't said anything before. "I just wanted a reaction out of y'all. Ever since I told you guys what happen y'all have treated me different. I never wanted that nor do I want that now. I have cut you off, been rude to others in front of you, and gotten in trouble in classes and you never said anything. I have been mean and purposely tried to irritated James all week and I get nothing out of either of you. It's like because of what I told you, you both see me as fragile which I am not." I say frustrated. "I am no different now than I was then."   

I see her face soften and I look at James to see him looking confused.

"What do you mean you have tried to irritate me, Sis, nothing you do irritates me because I have grown up with it. I usually react that way because I know that's what you want it's always been what you want but I have had lot on my mind so I haven't had the energy to. I has nothing to do with you." He explains and I just nod understanding.

Then I look back at Demi who is looking guilty about something and when we make eye contact it gets worse. 

"I will admit I have let you get by with stuff but it isn't about what you told us, it's because I didn't wanna upset you. You have had a hard week and you deserve a bit of space to act how you want to act." She explains.

"I don't need that, I don't want that. It makes me happy when you keep me in line, I may get annoyed but it makes me happy at the end of the day." I say. Then I look at James. "Dude, I know for a fact that I annoy you sometimes. When I cut you off, cuss at you, or blast music as loud as I can those all ignore you and you know it..." I say. "I just need you guys to treat me normal." I say again.

"We will treat you the same we always have before the past couple of days if that is what you want, but, you have to tell us if you need something." Demi says and James nods. "Now James you go home and rest for your shift tonight and Rae get your but up and start packing. I am not buying you something there because you forgot it." She says and James nods again hugging me quickly and walking out.

I stand up to go do as she says but I get pushed back in to the bed and onto my back. Demi crawls over my holding me in place before settling with her but on me and laying over the top of me so that her mouth is right next to my ear.   

"If you ever pull a stunt like that again, there will be consequences, is that understood?" she asks.

"Yes, I understand." I say quietly.

"Now," she says sitting up still straddling me. "Do I need to look at your hand or is it okay?" She asks reminding me of punching the counter.

"I am okay, I think." I say lifting my hand to show her and you can see the bruises forming where it hit the counter but that is it.

She nods and slowly starts to get off. "If it starts getting worse tell me and we will go get it looked at." She lets me up and leads me to the closet with the suite case next to it. 

"I love you." She says walking out of the room to go back to getting her stuff together.

"I love you too and I am sorry." I say just loud enough for her to hear me.


"Demi!" I yell though the apartment from the bedroom where I am laying on the bed. "I am done." I yell again. 

Okay, food will be ready soon!" she yells from the kitchen making me silently celebrate to myself as I miss lunch because we were packing. 

"Thank you!" I yell back be fore playing on my phone.

After about ten minutes she call me into the dinning room and I see everything laid out. The food set out on the table and our plates made. She even has my favorite drink sitting next to my plate making smile. 

"I wanted us to have a proper meal together," She says coming up behind me warping her arms around me. "because we wont be able to for the next week.

I giggle at her cuteness and kiss her on the cheek, with that we both move to the table to start eating.

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