Chapter 60

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Rae's POV

"Demi, are you guys ready?" Dianna asks over the phone that is laying in the middle of the bed as Demi gets dressed. I already got dressed and laid back down with Sarge.

"Yeah, Ma. We are just waiting for James to get here and we will head there." She tells her rolling her eyes as we have gone over this almost everyday that we would be there at 9 and it is only 10 minutes away.

"Don't roll your eyes at your mother." I tell her and she looks at me surprised.

"Demetria Lovato, watch yourself." She says in her mom voice making me giggle when Demi gave me a wide eyed look.

"Yes, Ma'am." She says quickly.

"Now, I will see you guys in an hour we have a long drive ahead of us." With that she hung up and Demi gave me a pointed look.

"That was mean." She state matter of a factly.

"You know she doesn't care." I tell her making her roll her eyes at me and I giggle again.

There is a knock at the front door and she turns around but not before telling me to get up. Instead of listening to her I continue to lay on the bed but I now shut my eye because she isn't here to stop me. We stay up late last night talking and cuddling after dinner and that led to many pretty heated make out sessions, so I am like dead tired.

"Rae, come on, Babe, wake up." I hear Demi say walking back in the room since I didn't follow her.

I groan and slowly sit up grabbing my phone from the nightstand.

"Do we have to go, right now? I mean we have an hour until we told her we'd be there." I whine.

"Rae, just come on, you can sleep there. I mean Maddie wants to see us and Dallas is already there." She explains and I sigh giving in a standing up.

I motion for Sarge to follow as he has set up to look at me. Demi laughs before following me out into the living room where James is leaned up against the wall with his eyes closed.

"See, I am not the only tired one." I point out as I pick up Sarge's leash and west so we can leave.

"I also just got off work." He says smirking opening his eyes.

"Fine, I'll drop out of school and get a job," I say throwing my hand up in the air. "I will do it as soon as we get back."

"No, you will not." Demi says seriously making me look at her surprised.

"I was joking, jeez." I say walking to the front door.

We all walk out of the apartment and to Demi's car. James gets in the back seat with Sarge even though I offered to sit with Sarge instead. I get in the passenger seat and we head off to the house. As we drive Demi lays her hand on my thigh making me smile and put my hand on hers.

When we get to the house Eddie is outside loading their car up but it looks as f he has just started. So when the car stops I let Sarge out and walk into the house not knocking because the door is open. I walk straight into the living room seeing it empty I smile and curl up on the couch. That's when my thoughts run wild.

Should I drop out? I could get a G.E.D. and then do online college so I could start working sooner and James could go back to? I could do that, couldn't I? Also, why did Demi get so upset when I mentioned it even if it was a joke then. Would she leave me if I were to do that? Is that something I would really do? Yeah, if It would help James or Demi, I guess I would, plus I hate school anyway. Also, legally nothing can be said about our relationship because we are both over the age of 18 but she is my teacher and some sound see that as an abuse of power. Which I would argue that it's not true, but some would say I say that because I am being forced to, which again is not true. Point is, Einstein, didn't go to school and he was a genius, why couldn't I do that for the good of all of us?

I am broken out of my thoughts by Demi walk to me and sitting on the edge of the couch in front of my body. She reaches her hand out, putting stands of air behind my ear before leaning down to kiss my cheek. 

"It's time to go everyone is waiting outside for us." She says quietly as she sits back up.

I nodded sitting up yawning and following her back out, but instead of seeing James in the back seat with Sarge who is back in the car I see Maddie. I look back at the other car and see that James is in the car with Dianna, Dallas, and Eddie making me more confused.

"He offered to ride with them so Maddie could ride with us, he knew she wanted to." She explains and I smile softly. 

"Maddie, I can sit back there with him if you'd prefer." I tell Maddie as I get in. 

"No, it's fine, I love having him sit with me he always wants to cuddle." She says grinning making me grin as well as we drive off. 

After about two hours of driving Sarge suddenly hops from the back seat with a sleeping Maddison into my lap. I look down at him as he lays across my lap with his head laying on the door. I look at Demi to see her glancing over smiling every few seconds as she watches the interaction.

"What does her think he is doing?" I ask her confused. 

"I have no clue but I would say he wants to sit with you and he wasn't going to take no for an answer." She suggests

I hear Maddie grumble in the back seat as she stretches before quieting back down.

"Demi, I need to talk to you about something tonight when is just the two of us, but you also can't get mad at me about it." I tell her petting Sarge as he looks up at my just watching me. "Don't worry about it because it's not a bad thing, it's just something we need to talk about."

"You make it sound like a really bad thing the way you are saying it, why do we have to be alone, why not talk to me about it right now?" She asks confused and worried. 

"Because, Demi, I have a feeling you might disagree with what I am thinking about and I don't want to get into it with your sister sitting two feet away and you driving." I explain. "Demi, really don't worry, it's about school, and you a teacher. This decision I am thinking about many teachers would be very against." I reassure but she seemed more and more confused as I try to make it better.


Another two hours and we are half way there, Maddie woke up for a while but then she went back to sleep after we stopped at a gas station, Sarge found his way back into my lap after the first hour back on the road. We are about two hours away from the house that Dinna and Eddie rented for the week. The tension between me and Demi has grown since I told her we need to talk but only because we both have nervous energy. 


Demi gets out and comes to my door opening and letting Sarge out before helping me. 

I pull her to me hugging her tightly and kissing her cheek. 

"It's not bad, I swear baby," I tell her. "I love you." 

"I love you too." She says pulling away leading me into the house behind everyone else. 

"Sarge, let's go." I say quietly as he wonders the front yard. He runs over and into the house. 

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