Chapter 22

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Rae's POV

"Rae, sis, wake up" I hear as I feel myself being shaken. I groan and look around the room and see it is still dark.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily to my brother whose standing in front of me.

"5 a.m." I he say glancing at the clock. "You should probably go check on demi, I thought I heard noise coming from the direction. I would but I gotta head out so I can be back her by dinner so we can all talk." He explains why he woke me up.

I stretch standing up. I say by to him and head back to the room. I walk in and see Demi holding the pillow, I usually use, with her face stuffed in to and tears stains going down her face.

I slowly walk over lifting the covers and quietly laying behind her. I slowly lay my head on her back and wrap my arm around her. I kiss the side of her head as I feel her moving to turn around to hug me back.

"I thought it was a dream that we found you. I was so scared." She mumbles.

"No, ma'am, I got up to get a drink and I fell asleep. I would never leave you like that. When I left yesterday I wasn't running from you," I sigh and she props herself up, so she can look at me. "I was running from my issues. I was running from the kids at school, from school, and from everything in the building in general except for you."

She leans in and kisses me. Once we pull away she looks a the clock and sighs. "We gotta get ready, and remember we have dinner with your brother tonight so let's just try to have a good day, Yeah?" She says sitting up and I nod continuing I let there.

"Hey," I say getting her attention. "I just wanna say I am sorry for everything bad that has happened since we have been together. I really think we all need to sit down and talk, I can't put you through this crap." I say then get up heading for the closet to get clothes.

I hear her move toward the bathroom after a few minutes and once I hear the door close I let the tears fall. As I get dressed, I silently cry knowing that after tonight our relationship might be over. I walk in to the living room sitting down on the couch to wait for Demi to be ready.

"You ready?" I hear Demi as quietly as she walks toward the door. I nod and walk quickly behind her to the car.

The car ride to school is very, very quiet almost to quiet. When we get there she walks in without saying anything making me sigh deeply leaning back in the seat.

"Fuck!" I yell punching the dash board multiple time until I feel a sharp pain threw my hand.

I get out of the car locking it using the button on the door to lock it. I walk in the school and threw the hallways threw my first class only to be bumped by someone cause my hand to throb.

As I get to class I struggle to hold in tears and sit in my seat without hitting it again. I think about and excuse when someone asks cause someone will. Then I realise I just have to get threw the day without answer questions.

"Okay everyone..." The teacher, whose name I haven't learned, starts class and I zone out.

My mind wonders to how Demi acted this morning after the comment I made. I know, I probably shouldn't have said what I said but I meant it. Ever since she met me it been back to back bad things happening. I know I probably will hate being away from her but it'll be better for her in the long run. Maybe I should just leave? It'll make Demi and James' life's better, they won't have to take care of me anymore. James can have a life and Demi... well she can find someone more grown up.

"Miss. Adams, class is over." I stern voice says making me jump and quickly as I can with the pain in my hand I pack up my stuff heading for the next class.

I walk in just as the bell rings and rush to my seat just in time for the teacher to start. After an hour of sitting I completely zone out for the rest of the day. Next thing I fully remember I am walking to gym alone with no one in the hall. I must have gotten lost in thought again and left class late.

I walk in to the gym walking straight through to the lockers to change. I hear my name being called as I walk through the gym but I ignore it.

Once done getting changed I head back into the gym and sit in the group.

"Rae, that is the second time this week you are late!" Demi yells smirking almost like she is trying to embarrass me.

I blush and look around to see everyone laughing and I start to back away. I look at her and see her laughing to. I start to get up but I am stopped when I see my brother walking in.

"That's right everyone thinks you are a joke." Then he starts laughing. "And you should leave I don't want you around."

Then they all start comimg closer and closer still laughing.

"Please stop, I will be better, I promise!" I yell and they just laugh louder.

"Please! Please! Please!" I beg over and over again without any response.

Then Demi face come in close and whispers. "Rae, Rae, wake up, baby you have school."

Suddenly I jump up back in the chair I fell asleep in the night before. I look around confused and see a confuse Demi and James watching me.

"You play, baby sis?" James asks.

"I don't know?" I say at more of a question. "I had this... this dream?" I say again as more of a question.

Demi kneels beside me making me look at her. She has a worried look on her.

"Do you wanna talk about it, baby?" Demi asks.

"Tonight." Is all I say before standing up and pulling her up with me. I pull her into a hug and hold on to her scared to ever let go.

"Are you sure, you are okay?" She whispers making me giggle in happiness that I could hug her.

"I am amazing. I love you so much, you know that, right?" I ask pulling away to look at her face. "And I am sorry about yesterday."

"It's ok, and yes I know you love me. I love you to maybe more than you love me." She says smirking making me giggle. "Now, go get ready."

"Yes, ma'am. " I say saluting her and walking away making her laugh.

God, I love that woman!!!

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