Chapter 28

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After the paramedic's leave we are taken to the office and made to sit on either sides. Demi stays with me because James can't get off work. Joey's parent's walk in and give me a dirty look when they see there son's face. I start to feel guilty because he only hit me once and I beat him.

"Ok, let's go in to my office." The principal motions to his office. I sit and wait till Joey and his parents are in before I get up and walk in. "Ok, first we are going to listen to each of their stories then we will watch the tape." We walk agree and Joey's starts.

"I was just talking to this younger student and the Rae came over and started messing with us. I got made and tried to punch her but her pushed me, then she made me fall so I punched her and then she beat me up." He says look at the principal and then his parents. "She started it." 

The principal nodded and looked at me waiting for an explanation. "Madison Dr La Garza a 10th grader came to me as I know her famy and told me how the same day he messed with me he was messing with her. I told her that I could do what I could to fix the issue. I hadn't been able to talk to a teacher about it before he was messing with her again. I walked over and asked him to leave her alone. Then he said I was a teachers pet protect a teachers sister. I told him to leave her alone and not be a jerk. He then tried to punch me i then twisted his arm and push him away. Following that he tried to tackle me which I dodged. I was then looking around for Madison scared something happened to her during all of this when he proceeded to punch me. I then tackled him and punched him a few times." I explained and I look to see Joey raging in his seat making my flinch away and look up at Demi. "Then... um... Then Miss. Lovato came and told to stop." I look at his parents his mother's crying and looking at me apoligetically. His father in glare at him looking disappointed.

"Well now since your stories are conflicting we will watch the video." The principal says being up the video.

You see him walk over and you can see Maddie's smile fall a soon as he walks over and then you see me walk over. Within seconds he throws the first punch.

"Okay, well..." He says leaning over his desk. "I guess we can both see how this fight started."

I look at Joey and instinct makes me scoot my chair over and look away quickly. I feel Demi's hand lay on my shoulder and I slightly relaxed.

"Joey due to this being you fifth time getting trouble this year we are gonna have to send you to D.E.A.P (the alternative school)" He says and I glance at Joey and her is glaring me still.

"Quit looking at me." I say with as mush lower as I can but I don't have much as all adrenaline has made its way out of my system. He just looks away.

"Sir, ma'am, Joey can you three please go wait outside while I finish with Miss Adams." They nod and slowly walk out. "Miss Adams." He say after the door shuts making jump due to two large sounds happening. I can feel my nerves are shot due to being caught off guard bye that punch.

"I know sir, you told me not to get in anymore fights but, he was bullying a younger student whose family and herself means a lot to me. I just wanted to help." I look at the ground.

"Actually, I was gonna ask if you are gonna press charges. You didn't do anything wrong nor did you lie." He says softly making sure not to scare me.

"No sir, it's okay. I hurt him worse than he hurt me. I let my anger and fear control me." I explain and look at him.

"Okay well you are dismissed and Miss.  Lovato we have a substitute already in your class for the day." He say gesturing to the door.

"Sir?" I ask quietly.

"Yes ma'am?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I am still allowed to go on the trip even after this?" I ask.

"Yes, honey, you acted in self defense." He puts his hand out to help me up as he walks to me. I just look at him and slowly put my hand out and take his hand. He pulls me up. "I hope you are feeling better tomorrow." I smile at him nodding.

Demi leads me to the parking lot in the back of the school where she parks. She pulls out her phone and dials a number as when get to the car. She helps me into the car as she hold the phone to her ear.

"Hello." She says getting to the car as someine pick up. "Yes I need an apointment for a Rae Adams.... no she isn't sick she was hit in the face today and is was recommended to get her check out for a concussion... yes... Yeah we will be there... See you then." She hangs.

She looks to me and smiles softly.

"We have to be there at 3." She says and I nod.

She turn on the car and drive to her apartment. Halfway there I reach over and grab her hand. I bring it to my lips and hold a kiss to the back over her hand. She glances at my smiling and winking at me making me sigh in relief. She isn't mad at me, thank god.

I am so caught up being happy she wasn't mad that I didn't realise Dianna's car is in the parking lot next to where Demi parks.

"Why is you mom here?" I ask as soon as I see it when we pull up.

"Well, you know how I said that Maddie was pretty upset and wanted to say with you so I had to send her home?" She asks and I nod. "Well I am sure she wanted to see you and I happened to text mom that we were leaving. Can you handle it? I can tell them to come back later  or something." She says looking at me concerned and caring.

"No, it's fine. I wanna see her." I say get out slowly and she meets me at the front of the car grabbing my hand. I look at her mom's car a see Maddie past out in the front seat.

Dianna gets out and walks over pulling into a hug. I let go of Demi's hand hugging back and laying my head in her shoulder as she holds me.

"Maddie told me what you did." She says pulling back holding my shoulder making look at her. "Thank you for protecting her." She say and has tears welling up when she see make face.

"Don't cry, please." I plead and she just pulls me into another hug.

I look at the car to see Maddie wake up and looking at me. I wink at her and pull away from her mom. I gesture for her to come to me and soon she is right in front of me just looking at me.

"I am so sorry." She says with tears in her eyes and I chuckle at her.

"Silly girl you did nothing wrong. I told you you wouldn't have to deal with him anymore and you won't." I say and he smiles lightly giggling.

I open my arms for a hug and she complies. I pull her in the a hug and just hold her. I kiss the top of her head and look at her mom and Demi smiling at me fondly.

"You know, now you are gonna have to deal with being my friend at school, right?" I say smiling and looking down at her.

"What do you mean?" She asks curiously.

"Well, you know when a person everyone knows stands up for a person they have to be friends afterward or people will question it." I say smiling.

With that we all head in the apartment to watch tv until my appointment.

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