Chapter 39

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Rae's POV

After getting in the room we all went to a restaurant to eat lunch then spent part of the afternoon running around the park. At about 5 we ate dinner at the resort and then head to our rooms to to do what ever we wanted.

I went Elle and Savi's room after we got back for a few hours to hang out. Elle was kinda upset be cause she wanted to be pair with me but she dealt with it and I left around 8 o'clock. 

When I got back Demi was already asleep taking up her whole bed so I went to the second bed but I am so used to sleeping with her arms wrap around me every night that I can't sleep. I lay staring at the ceiling. it is midnight now and I have no clue what to do. 

Suddenly Demi's phone lights up and starts playing her ring tone. The screen reads Tiffany ( Honey's mom) I look at it confused before sitting up and getting out of bed. I walk over to Demi and slightly shake her shoulder. 

"Mhmm?" She asks still half asleep. 

"Tif, called I didn't answer it because it would be weird if I answered my teacher's phone." I explain but in stead of answering she just pulled me on to the bed and making me lay down with her. 

"It can wait until morning, I am sure Honey just wants to see you and they are her parents and should be able to handle it. " She says in a raspy voice and I just sigh and agree. "Did you just come back?" She asks nuzzling her face into my neck.

"No I came back about two hours ago." I say yawning. 

"Why didn't you come lay with me?" I says pulling away slightly so she can look at me.   

"I couldn't. I didn't want to wake up and you took over the whole bed. So I figured I would just sleeping the other bed since it would look better if someone walked in." I explained and she just put her face back.

"I am sorry I took over the bed but now your here and that..." She gets cut of by her phone going off again. 

I look at it again and it says it is Tiff again. I pick the phone up not caring anymore because I am finally where I can sleep and I want to sleep. 

"Hello?" I ask annoyed. 

"Miss Lovato, may I talk to Rae?" I hear a small voice ask scared sounding.

"It's me sweet girl, whats up?" I ask as sweetly ask possible as I yawn.

"Mommy said I shouldn't call but you said I could get you anytime." She say quietly almost scared sounding.

"It's okay, sweetie, why don't you lay down and close your eyes. Think about what makes you the happiest and dream about that and in the morning we can probably figure it out to where we can hangout for a bit." I suggest hoping she thinks it is a good idea and does it.

"Okay." She say s a little happier and the phone cuts off making me giggle.

"Was that Honey?" Demi asks behind.

"Yeah she was just upset about something." I explain rolling over to face her and snuggle into her chest.

"You know, you are really great with kids." She states making me laugh.

"Not really." I brush it off as I yawn. "But now let's go to sleep I am tried." I say and she only nods.


I wake up to to knocking on the door. I try to get up to answer it but Demi pulls me back down.

"Baby, I gotta answer the door." I whisper so the person doesn't hear me.

"No, they can wait." She says just as the person knocks again and a female voice comes through. 

"Miss Lovato? We need you!" The voice sounding like Elle screaming urgently making Demi shoot up and me quickly following.  

When we get out Elle is standing drench in water along with Savi and down the hall looking at Demi in fear is Danny and John.

"Oh come on you guys!" I yell. "It's to early for this shit. Whomever's idea this was..." I start walking down the hall giving the a death glare. "You effed over my sleep and you will pay for it." I say and quickly turning around to look Elle and Savi. "Next time beat them up like they deserve don't screw up my sleep unless it it life or death." I walk back to the door. "It's dealt with." I say to a slightly fuming Demi before walking in the room.

"Don't do it again." I hear her say and right be fore the door closes I hear her say "Do not beat anyone up. You guys are supposed to be adults and now I have a moody tired girl on my hands who you guys will have to deal with to." making me laugh.

Then the door shuts and I throw myself back on the bed. 

"I am not that bad by the way." I say as she sits down next to me and I shift to lay my head in her lap.

"No, but I am when my cuddles get cut short but I can't be mad at them for coming to get me for a issue but you can." She says like it doesn't matter.

"So, you are using me as an excuse?" I clarify and she just stays silent. 

Today we are going to a movie and the lunch and then run around the park again. I don't know if I am looking forward to it or not because of how little energy I have. 

I stand up and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Instead of leaving to door open like I usually do, I shut the door. I start to get undress to get in the shower when to door opens up. I quickly spin around to see Demi standing there look hurt.

"What's wrong?" I ask getting full undressed.

"You always leave to door open." She says sounding hurt making me feel bad.

"Only in case someone walks in." I explain. "You don't want, say Ms. Lowry, to walk in and see me naked with the door open and you acting as if it doesn't matter." 

"But they would have to knock to get in." She says pouting like a child.

"Demi come on, this is for the best for both of us." I say slight annoyed getting into the shower under the water.

I hear her sigh and shut the door then I hear movement in the bathroom with me. I open the curtain and see her sitting on the counter. 

"Really?" I say annoyed. 

"Yes, really if you won't leave the door open I am sitting in here with you. My sleep got interrupted by your friends acting like children and then you got up and left me. I am spending as mush time with you as possible before we got to the park today." She says like its nothing. 

I groan and shut the curtain and showering. After 15 minutes I get out and Demi gets in after I dress I go out and lay in the bed. After about twenty more minutes Demi comes out and I get up walking out of the room to which I am quickly pulled out.

"Don't be mad at me baby. I am sorry, I just wanted to spend more time with you." She says and I just smile at her.

"So, I am being mad enough for it to be convincing?" I ask giggling and she looks at me shocked to which I laugh at and walk away.

I walk to the elevator with Demi close behind me, when we get to the elevator the girls are there to and I just kinda glare at them.

"Hey Rae!" Elle squeals and I just look at her unamused and Demi laughs.

"I told you girls, you don't mess with her sleep," I starts walking past us. "Good luck." she finishes as the elevator open and I quickly walking standing in the corner away from everyone.  

"We are sorry." Savi's says and I just fake a smile making them smile. 

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