Chapter 17

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It's been a week and my grandparents have gone back home. Everything went well, school went well I didn't get in trouble once, Demi and my grandparents got a long well and then when they left we went to her house and had all kind of fun alone, if you know what I mean...

Today is Monday though and we have to turn in the money for the trip which will be in about two weeks. I am currently sitting in my second class of the day. Demi and I got in to a fight this morning because I didn't want to get up, so not thinking I told her to fuck off which she hates. The ride to school was quiet as she called me a child afterward and that made me mad and now I am not speaking to her. I tried to apologize but she wouldn't let me speak.

My thoughts are interrupted by the algebra teacher calling my name.

"Rae," She started. "what is the answer to #8?"

I sigh knowing that she knows I wasn't paying attention. "23?"I guess and she smiles nodding.

The girl next to me leans over and looks at my paper and giggles? "How did you know that?" She whispers.

"Magic." I state confidently smiling at her.

Then the bell rings and everyone gets up and leaves.

"Rae, are you okay? You seemed off today?" The teacher I can't remember the of asks.

"It depends..." I say and she give me a confused look as if to say 'Depends on what?' "It depends on how you define 'okay'." I explain. "If by okay you mean I am going to live through the problem I am having or if you mean okay as in nothing is wrong then no everything is wrong, and I am far from okay." I say then start walking to the door. "Thank you for asking though."

I walk out and head to class but then the bell rings and I decide to just go to the counselors office. I walk in and she nods at the couch knowing i probably just need a quiet place.

"How are you doing, Rae?" She asks.

"Not great, I have had a shit day and I just need a few moments to relax." I say look at her giving her the saddest face possible because really I am not sad, I am mad.

"You know the drill; you can stay as long as you need unless another student comes in or I am called to do something." She says like every time.

"Yes, ma'am, thank you." I say and sit down laying my head back and taking a deep breath.

I curl up against on the couch leaning against the arm rest and close my eyes.


I feel a hand touch my forehead and whispering. I slowly open my eyes groaning at the brightness, I blink a few times to get used to the light and I see two people standing over me. I see a body shape that seems like Demi but that can't be she is in class.

"She has been here all day, right?" I hear one of the people say it sounds a lot like Demi but it can't be.

"Yes, she came by after second and fell asleep. I tried to wake her up around her lunch but she kept mumbling about being sorry and not meaning it. Then she opened her eyes and looked at me and said 'You're not her, I want her.' I didn't know who she was talking about so I just left her."

"What's going on?" I groan out and both people look down at me.

"Rae, honey the day is over and Miss. Lov-" I cut her off.

"Demi." I state surprising her.

"Demi is here to take you home." She says calmly.

"Wait, what? I slept here all day. I only meant to take a nap, I promise, I didn't mean to." I say looking between the two.

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