Chapter 52

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Rae's POV

We pull up to the school in the school but where parent sit in cars in the empty parking lot waiting for their kids. James was meant to pick us up but he was called in for work so Demi's mom is picking us up. Why is someone picking us up? Well, we weren't allowed to leave cars in the parking lot for the week and since I came with Demi, we both needed a ride. 

I quickly get of the bus grabbing my things and walking to the car without saying anything to anyone as I had said my goodbyes in the bus. As I walk up and I see Dianna give me a confused look. I look behind me to see everyone still shuffling off the buses and Demi leading it I shrug as I walk to the back door and get in throwing my bag in the back.

"What's got you in a rush?" She asks looking back at me.

"Ask her." I say simply as Demi makes her way to the car.

"But I would rather you just tell me." She tells me.

"Well, I would be happy to tell you but I think it is a conversation the two of you need to have." I inform her as Demi gets in the car.

"What's going on in here?" Demi asks shutting the door and looking back at me smiling.

"Well, I was asking her why she was in such a rush." Dianna informed her daughter who looks at her confused.

"Oh? And what did she say?" She responds.

"She says you should tell me." Dianna says pulling out of the parking spot.

"Ohhh, well umm, I may have told her I want her and James to come with us on the trip and she said she doesn't wanna intrude, so she said no." Demi explains and Dianna looks at me in. "I have been trying to convince her since we left the hotel but she just keeps saying no, Momma I tried to tell her yall would love having them but she keeps saying no, and she said that she wouldn't spend Christmas with me if I ditched yall from me." She whines to her mother.

"I never said that Demi, what I said was that if you didn't go with them I wouldn't let you in mine and James' apartment. I also said that if you talked to your family and they wanted me to go I would talk to James about it." I say with attitude.  

"Demi, you should have talked to her with us around so she would know that we want her to come." Dianna says then glance at me again. "Rae if you and your brother would like to come we would love to have y'all." Dianna informs me as we get closer to her house which confuses me but I keep my mouth shut.

"Mrs. Dianna-" I start but I am cut off. 

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me just Dianna?" Dianna asks.

"Sorry, Dianna, I will talk to James about it next time I see him, until then I can't answer because if he can't go I am gonna stay home with him." I tell her as we pull up to the house.

"I completely understand, just let us know as soon as possible." I agree and we all get out of the house leaving our bags inside the car. 

"I am back!" Demi yells and Maddie comes running down stairs. Demi puts her arms out for a hug but she goes past her and straight to me. "Excuse me?" She says acting offended look at me as I hug her. "You don't get to still my sister!"

I just laugh at her sticking out my tongue. "She is mine now." I say as we pull away and they greet each other.

I walk into the living room sitting my bag in the door way. I see Dallas passed out on the couch. I wonder why she is here she doesn't live here.

"She wanted to see you guys when y'all got back but she wasn't feeling so good when she got here." Dianna explains coming in seeing my confused face. We all  sit around her.

"Where is Mr.-" I start getting cut off.

"Do I need to tell you again?" Dianna asks.

"Sorry, where is Eddie?"I ask as he is usually always around.

"He is out with a few if his friends." Maddie informed me smiling clearly happy her dad is out having some fun.

It's then I remember that the end if this week is supposed to be when the people come with the service dog if everything works out. It's also then that I realize I don't know if they will want a dog on the trip if we go. Also will I be able to take the dog, I mean I don't know anything about this dog. What if it doesn't like me? What if none of it works out? I have tried not to think of any of it since we talked about ut because when I think about it I think about how great it would be. For Demi and James not to always have to worry. For me to be able to be alone and not be scared of panic attacks or lashing out. I really want this but there are so many things at that go wrong.

"How do you guys feel about dogs?" I burst out in the middle of them talking.

They all look at me in surprise even Dallas who I guess woke up while I was zones out.

"What?" Dianna asks.

"Do you guys like dogs?" I ask again.

"I love doggies!" Maddie says happily.

"I like dogs." Dianna says.

"I have never really had one but the are great." Dallas says.

"Well, um depending ok n hiw the next week or so goes, I may or may not have a dog, so James and I go with you guys, it would have to come." I explain and I look at Demi for support. She simply grabs my hand intertwining our hands and I start to feel more relaxed.

"Well we would mind but why now? And what does the next couple of week have anything to do with it?" Dianna responds confused.

"Well, umm..." I struggle to find the right words so ou bbn look to Demi.

"Right, so, as you all know she has panic attacks due to her past, but she alone has moments of violent behavior or outburst I guess you could call them, she can't always control them. This all started after the accident and has only worsened over time for many reasons. James got in contact with her therapist and she works with a company that has a plan we hope will help her out. She works with a company that triana service dogs. They have a dog that she worked with them to get for Rae. Now they come later this week to help her learn to work together with the dog. The idea is that she can live her life more independently especially with the panic attacks." She explains perfectly.

"Oh that's great!" Dallas exclaims and I smile at her.

"I am so happy for you." Dianna says. "And of coarse if you guys come it can come to." She says smiling widely.

I look at Maddie to see smiling with a face of excitement making me giggle.

With that we all start talking and laughing and just making the most ok f our day together.

Man, I hope everything works out next week.

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