Chapter 74

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Rae's POV

"Coach, your wife is here!" A kid in Demi's yells across the track as I walk across the field to the track hold our 2 year son Eli's hand. 

She turn to see us and smiles widely when Eli start walking to her as fast as his little legs can take him. 

It's been 6 years since the wedding and everything is going good. Elijah or as we call him was born two years ago. Me and James own the dinner in town because it was closing and we didn't want someone else to change it. Sarge is still around but he is getting old and is no longer actively my service dog though he is still a big part of our life's. Max is the new service dog that I have had for about a year now and things are good with him but at home Sarge takes over. Eli loves Sarge and Sarge loves Eli is adorable to see them lay in bed in the middle of the day to take a nap. 

"Baby, what are you doing here?" Demi ask as I walk up to her.

"Well I figured since Madison is coming home for spring break and Dianna wants us to come over tonight I could just pick you up, and we could head over." I say. 

"But, I drove today..." She says and I smile. 

"Eli needed to get some energy out so we walked." I tell her. 

Before you freak out no I did not make him walk that far we live like a five-minute walk from the school in a gorgeous two-story house. 

"What about Max and Sarge?" She asks looking around as if she will see them. 

"I dropped them off a few hours ago. It's been a good day, I didn't feel like I need them and Dianna wanted to talk to me about something anyway." I tell her as the school bell rings. 

"Mrs. Lovato?" A young girl as walking up looking at me.

"Yes?" I question. 

"You wife is so mean!" She exclaims out of breath from running. 

"Oh, trust me, I know." I smirk at her winking and she laughs before walking off.

"Oh I am that bad?" She asks pulling me to her so I have to look at her. 

"You can be when someone makes you mad." I tell her truthfully.

"I am not that bad I just want some respect and these kid don't know the meaning of respect" She growls lowly in my ear

"I didn't either at their age but you still love me." I say innocently.

She goes to speak when she is cut off. 

"Where is he? Where is my favorite nephew?" Mrs. Lowry or should I say Sara says walking from the door of the school. 

Eli instantly squeals and waddles to her. 

James and her met at the wedding and were dating only a few weeks later. She is only 2 years older then James and they have been married for 4 years and she is pregnant with their first child. 

"Aunty!" He says hugging her legs tightly. 

"Are you ladies coming to dinner tonight?" Sara asks referring to the dinner at Dianna's. 

After Demi and I got married James started coming to the weekly family dinners so did Sara once they were married.

"Of course, we are actually headed there now." I tell her and she smiles widely. 

After a few more minutes of talking Demi and I head to the car with Eli in Demi's arms. 

When we pull up to the house the driveway is full so we park on the side of the street before getting out. When Eli hops out he runs off to the door even though I tell him no running. The door opens and Eddie stand looking down at my 2-year-old who my smiles widely back up at him.  Sarge and Max come running to greet us as we walk in greeting Eddie. 

Sarge sniffs me before running off with Eli to where ever he is off to probably to find Diana.

Max instantly stays next to me as we move further in the house.

"Nana?" I hear my precious sons voice.

"Yes sweet boy?" She asks glance at my and Demi standing in the door way.

"Why Mommy mean?"He asks reffering to Demi. 

"What do you mean?" She asks picking him up and putting him on the counter. 

"A girl called Mommy mean. Mommy isn't mean." He says making me laugh. 

"Your right, baby boy, she isn't mean but you mommy wants people to be nice to her." I step in helping as Dianna has an awkward expression. "Sometimes people are mean and you have to reach them a lesson."

"Like time out?" He struggles to get out being he is only two. 

"Yes sweetie like a time out." With that he is happy and we all disperse to do our own thing until dinner. 

A few hours later Madison walk through the door with James and Sara behind her looking relieved to finally be home.

We all say our hello's before I sit on the couch waiting for dinner to be ready watching Eli play with Sarge and Max. 

"I am so tired of school." I hear beside me as Maddie sits down putting her head on my shoulder. 

We became very close after the wedding for many reason but have only grown closer since then. 

"Is Elle coming tonight?" She asks me and I nod just as another knock is heard. 

Once again we all say hello and relax again. 

"How are things foing with Anna?" I ask Elle when she sits on the other side of me. 

Anna is her girl friend of 2 years.

"I am gonna ask her next month on out trip." she informs me about when she plans to ask her to get married. 

"That's awesome, Elle, I can't wait." I say happily. 

After a few more minutes we are all sitting around the table eating. Demi's hand I laid on my thigh as always. Sometimes I forget it is there but I know when it isn't because everything feels wrong. Eli is next to me playing in his food more then eating it. 

I look around the rest of the room and see the people I now call MY family. 

Just of 8 years ago I was a lost child just struggling for tomorrow, now I am surrounded by my family that I have made for my self that will hopefully soon have additions making it just a little bigger. 

"Can I say something?" I say loudly so every on hears me and looks at me. 

"Go ahead, baby." Demi says as everyone pay attention. 

"I just want to say how happy I am to be hear with you wonderful people, you have all change my life for better or worse. I love being able to sit down with you wonderful people once a week to eat dinner. I love that I have all of your support and that I can support all of you in return." I start. "And I can not wait to add more to this rowdy bunch." I say taking about Anna, Sara and James' baby and...

Our baby. 

Demi is carrying this one where as I carried Eli. 

We decided she would carry one and I would carry one, if after that we wanted a third we could discuss that then. 

Everyone freezes and looks at me. 

They all knew we have been trying for a while what they didn't know what Demi was 2 and 1/2 months pregnant.

"Wait, are you, are you trying to say something?" Dianna asks. 

I nod look at Demi who is blushing because she didn't know I would do it right now in the middle of eating making her embarrassed.

"How far?" Elle asks looking between me and Demi.

We tell them every detail as we continue to eat. 

I sit back and watch the love of my life talk proudly about our child in her stomach. 

It in that moment, of many over the years, that I know, this is where I belong. With these people, with this women, crating this family.

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