Chapter 54

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Rae's POV

"Are you ready for later?" Demi asks as we sit on the couch watching t.v. waiting for James to come home.

"I don't know." I answer honestly.

Today, went pretty well considering how it started. My classes went well and I didn't get into arguments with anyone. It is currently 3:30 ish and James should be home in an hour and then they are coming soon after that, by they I am mean the trainer and the dog whose name I have yet to be told.

"What can I do to help you feel ready?" She asks looking at me and away from the t.v.

"I don't know, maybe, just shut up and hold me." I giggle when her face turns serious.

I hear a growl from her and I am suddenly on my back looking up at her.

"Wanna repeat that?" She asks warningly.

"I said," I start. "I don't know. That's all." I change what is said when she gets a stern look.

"That's what I thought, I hear but I couldn't be too sure, could I?" She says smirking.

"No ma'am." I say quietly.

"Now why don't you tell me what you need to make you feel better about tonight?" She asks again.

"This," I answer simply but get a confused look. "Just be with me. I know when the trainer gets here we can't be all touchy-feely because you are still my teacher, so, be with me now." I say wrapping my arms around her pulling her all the way down on top of me instead of hovering.

"Baby, are you sure that is all you need?" She asks.

I nod putting my face in her neck just taking in the moment. He face makes it's way to my neck and I start feeling kisses.

"No, Demi." I say.

"No, what?" She asks trying to sound innocent.

"No kissing and no marks. Maybe later but not now." I say and she groans.

"Come on." She whines making me giggle.

"It's Friday. You have all night to do whatever you please but you have to wait until then. We or I guess I have other things I need to focus on." I say.

"You mean, we, we have other things to focus on. I was simply trying to help you relax because everything will be okay." She says. 

I sighed putting my finger in her hair and pulling her down to my face. I connect our lips and she instantly responds taking over the kiss. My hand slowly run down resting on the butt when she moves down to my neck kissing her way further and further down when suddenly the door opens. 

We both look over seeing James standing in the doorway looking at us before groaning. 

"Hi." I say awkwardly. 

"Hey." He responds like nothing is happening because this is not the first time he has walked in on us.

Demi slowly sits up bring me to sit in her lap leaving room on the couch for James to sit down. Which he takes after sitting down his stuff from work. I look at the time and see that he shouldn't have been home for almost 45 minutes. 

"Why are you home so early?" I ask confused. 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys." He says laying his head back on the couch. "I asked to get off early to be here for you." He says picking his head up again. "I knew you would be nervous and I won't be able to be here tomorrow because I have plans."

"Plans?" Demi asks surprised. 

"Yeah, I saw someone from high school while you guys were gone and we made plans for tomorrow so, I figured that you guys could go meet with the trainer tomorrow with out me. I just wanted to be here tonight." He explains.

"I am so happy for you!" I squeal happily throwing myself on him. 

He chuckles hugging me as I lay across the two of them. I have admit it is not the most comfortable but I don't care, I love it.

"Did he say what the plan for tonight was when y'all talked?" I ask James referring to the trainer.

"He said that he would come over with the dog, whose name he told me was Sarge, and let you guys meet and him get comfortable here, then if everything goes to plan he will teach us a few commands and go over how he is fed, then leave him here for the night. If again everything goes well he will continue to leave him here and come over every afternoon for a few hours to help you get comfortable with, Sarge, and how to work with him for the next week. After that, it's about how comfortable you are, if you think everything is good he will go back to California, if not he will stay a little longer." He explains making me feel a little better than before. 

"Okay, cool cool." I say sitting up and standing up before stretching.

I walk into the kitchen opening the fridge before realizing how little food is there. I groan and realize he forgot to go again and I haven't been here to notice. I walk to the small pantry to see if there is chips or anything only to find there isn't. 

I groan loudly annoyed because he never remembers to go and get food and I don't currently have a car so I can't. I slam the door shut walking back to the living room to see them in a discussion so I sit in the chair to the side of the T.V. I curl up pulling the blanket down from the side watching two of them talk. 

Soon, I hear some noise outside the door but I can't convince my body to move even when I hear knocking on the door. Demi stands up walking to the door and James gets up to greet the man standing in the doorway. 

"Hello?" Demi says as she opened the door.

"Hello, are you Demi? I am Noah."He asks.

"Yes, this is James and that there," She points to me. "is Rae. She is a little stressed out so just give her some time." She says and I finally look over to see a very intimidating man but I don't feel really intimidated. 

"Hi, James." He says shaking his hand then he looks at me. "Hi, Rae."

"Hi." I say quietly then look down to see a big black lab sitting politely next to him in a vest watching all of us.

 "Can I come in?" He asks awkwardly looking between the three of us. 

"Of course you can."Demi says stepping out of the way so he can get in. 

He steps in and the dog follows sniffing the air curiously. 

"I am going to take off Sarge's vest if you could all sitting down and let him come to sniff you as he pleases." Demi and James sit down and as soon as they do he lets him go and he trots to Demi sniffing her before licking her hand and moving to James. 

He reacts similarly to James then he comes to me and sits in front of me tilting his head making me giggle. I put out my hand for him to sniff but instead his paw lands in it making me giggle again. 

"He likes you." Noah says watching the interaction. "That is a good sign, if he is willing to do small tricks this quickly he will be willing to do just about anything." He explains. 

With that, I slowly sit upright in the chair putting the blanket back look back at Sarge to see him still watching me. I look at Demi to see her watching me so I smile at her only to get a loving smile in response. 


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