Chapter 61

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Rae's POV

"Alright, Rae, what is it we needed to talk about?" Demi says standing at the foot of the bed in our room after she is ready for bed. 

When we got here we all went on a tour of the house and then just laid about for the rest of the afternoon and evening. No everyone else has gone to bed so we came in here. I assume she isn't going to get in bed until we talk because I am already laying down. 

"Remember this morning when I said, I would drop out of school and get a job?" I ask reminding her. 

"Yeah, why?" She asks.

"I was joking then but then I started thinking." I start but she goes to interrupt me. "Hear me out before you say anything, please," I ask quietly and she nods. "I started thinking. I could drop out and get my G.E.D. and start working sooner, then I could start online classes at college. This would help fix many of the problems we have right now. James could work less, he could go back to school, and we wouldn't have to worry about you being my teacher." I explain. "I won't do this if you don't want me to, I mean we have made this work so far but it could be better." I explain. "So, what do you think?" I ask when she just looks at me. 

"Okay, listen, and listen close please?" I starts coming to my side of the bed slowly sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. "I don't want to you to drop out, I want you to finish school and graduate with you friends. I want you to live out you teenage years and make to the most of it. I never want to be the reason you miss out on something. About the work thing, I think that is a conversation you need to have with James because, you have basically moved in with me and I am supporting us. James doesn't have worry about that anymore. The teacher thing is something that won't matter in 5ish months, so I think we can make it work for that long." 

I look up at her as I lean on the headboard and she sits right next to me just looking at me. 

"Okay, then. I will stay in school and we will talk when we get back about the job thing." I decide smiling at her making her smile back. 

She leans in kissing me and as it deepens she move to where she is straddling me, my hands making their way to her hips. It's then I realize how much I missed this, its been weeks since we have really had a more heated but loving make out. During the time where everything was tense like I said we were together but never really together, we would trade pecks and short hugs but nothing big. 

"I love you." She says pulling away and rolling over next to me. 

"I love you too." I respond kissing her neck before laying my head on her. 


"Demi, wake up." I say as it is 12 in the afternoon. 

"No." she groans just as he sisters walk by the room but stop and look in. 

She missed breakfast and we are trying to leave the house for lunch but I need to get her up.

"Demi, come on, we are going to get lunch." I glance at Dallas and Maddie who are trying to hold in laughs.

"Lunch?" She asks confused. 

"Yeah, sis, you have slept all morning. We had a great time talk all about you with Rae and James this morning." Dallas says laughing and Demi suddenly sits striaght up.

"What!?!?" She exclaims making me fall on my back laughing my head off. 

Truth is we didn't talk about her but she didn't need to know that if it worked. 

"Just kidding." She says smiling widely getting a evil eye from Demi. 

"Either way, we are going to lunch so get up and get dressed." I say then walk over to Dallas and Maddie leading them out of the room shutting the door behind me. "You two are the worst." I giggle as walk walk down stairs and to the living room.

Everyone is gathered there wait for us to be ready to leave.

"Is she up?" Dianna asks and I nod.

"She is tired." I excuse her but Dianna looks at me confused. "She drove all day yesterday, we stayed up later then y'all and she was stressed all day because I need to talk to her about something. I also have a feeling we are getting a very grumpy Demi today." I say as she walks in with a irritated look but looking beautiful as ever.

"Seems so." Eddie agrees with me as he stands up waiting everyone to follow suit.

"What's happening?" Demi groans as I push her in the passenger seat and put Sarge in the back seat alone before getting in the drivers seat.

Incase you are wondering everyone else is in the other car. They all know how Demi can be when she is grumpy and they didn't want to be caught in the crossfire.

"We are going to a diner a few minutes away cause no one wanted to cook." I explain and she only grunts at me.

When we ge to the diner the other car is there before us so they are already sitting inside.

When we walk in holding hand and me hold Sarge's leash people stop and stare at us. I try to ignore and slowly people start looking away as we head to our seats with the rest ok f the group.

"Welcome, what can I get you two?" The waiter comes up and asks having clearly gotten the other orders, then he winks at me smiling making me tense and hold Demi's hand know exactly what she is going to say.

"You can stop flirting with my girlfriend one and two you can get us another waiter." She say her voice laced with venom making the guy terrified as she scurries off let a scared child.

"Demi!" I exclaim surprised at he behavior.

"What he has no right to look at what's not his?" She says like its nothing.

I look to the group for help but the are all acting as if our conversation isn't happening, almost as if we don't exist. 

"Demi, he is just doing his job." I say acting like I didn't see anything. 

"Yeah, because he is paid to wink at other people' girlfriends." She says sarcastically.

"Come on Demi, you are over reacting, you know, I love you, and only you, I didn't even notice." I blow it off. 

"Demi, I have a question?" James says trying to break the tension at the table. 

"James, can you not see I am having a conversation." She says annoyed making him roll his eyes and look at me. 

"Demi, that is enough." I say getting irritated.

"No, it's not. He checked you out and then flirted with you, that is to far. I have a right to be upset." She defends herself. "I know he is just trying to break the tension but I am not okay with that. I have to put up with it at home but not here, here you are mine and only mine, so no one will look at you in anyway if I have a say in it." She says turning her body to the side to completely face me.

"Demi, I am yours everyday, I don't care about the people who look at me or flirt with me because, I don't get butterflies from them like I do from you. You make me feel things I never thought possible." I say. 

She puts her hand on my cheek pulling me to her. Just as her lips touch mine they is a throat cleared right behind me.

I look back at the now waitress stand waiting patiently then back at a very pissy face. I giggle and we order our food and drink.

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