Chapter 19

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Rae's POV

I sit behind the wheel for the first time in what feels like month's and wait for Demi to get into the car. Once she gets in I let out a deep sigh and put the car into the drive before pulling off. As we drive Demi to give me directions on how to get there and when we pull up there are 4 cars in the driveway making me feel more nervous.

"What is she doing here?" I hear Demi ask under her breathe which I clearly wasn't supposed to hear so I stay quiet.

I turn off the car and she comes around opening the door for me helping me out like always. Then she leads me to the front door and she walks straight in making me feel a bit uncomfortable. She leads up into the dining room where everyone is.

By everyone I mean her mother, little sister and a man how I assume is her step-father but none-the-less her father. Then there is another beautiful woman sitting there look me up and down almost sizing me up but what confuses me is that she looks really similar to Demi.

"Hey, guys." Demi says smiling and walk over to the girl as her mom heads for what I assume is the kitchen leaving me alone in the doorway.

"Hey, lil sis." The girl says standing up to hug her.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be gone for another couple of weeks." She says hold her tight.

"I was supposed to but missed you all so much and Mom told me about your new girlfriend and I just had to meet her myself." She says smiling at me sweetly.

"Oh, yes! This is Rae." She says walking back to me standing behind me wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Nice to meet you," I say quietly.

"Rae, this is Eddie my dad and that is Dallas my older sister."  She says and I can hear the smile in her voice makes me smile.

"Okay, well let's eat." Her mom announced as she walks back into the room. Everyone sits down and the only two seats open are across the table from each other. One is between Diana and Maddie and the other is between her dad and sister. She goes and sits between her dad and sister know I will be more comfortable with her mom and younger sister. 

My plate is soon full of food and everyone is catching up with each other. I sit quietly and eat my food letting them have family time. I feel eyes on me and I glance up to see Dallas looking at me almost trying to figure me out. 

"So, Rae, tell us about you." Demi's dad says making my attention get directly to him.

"Well, I live with my older brother since my parents died and I am 18." I say giving him the minimum that I can.

"Tell us more about you." Dallas says looking interested in me but all the attention on me starts to become overwhelming. 

"Umm... I am a senior at the high school Demi teach's at, I am a troublemaker or that's what everyone says. I may have slight anger issues and have had anxiety and panic attacks since the accident." I say and take a deep breath. "That's pretty much all there is to me." I say. 

After that, they start talking about something else and my thoughts start to swirl. Did I say to much? What if they think I am not good enough? What if Demi realizes I am not good enough for her? What if because we came here and her family doesn't like me she doesn't want me anymore? What if her sister doesn't like me and she breaks up with me because of it? I don't think I could handle that. 

I start to feel like the room is closing in on me and getting smaller. I can feel my breathing start to pick up so I take a deep breath. "May I use the bathroom?" I say quietly to Diana. She nods and gives me the directions to the bathroom. 

I get up quickly and fast walk to the bathroom. As soon as I get there I shut the door and lean up against the door taking deep breaths. I try and do what Demi always says to do by breathing in and out, over and over. After a few seconds, I move away from the door locking it and sit on the edge of the bathtub with my face in my hands.

I hear a knock on the door making me jump and then I hear a familiar voice come through from the other side of the door. "Baby, are you okay, you've been in there for a while." I hear her concerned voice. 

"I am okay. just give me a few moments." I say only to hear the doorknob shake. 

"Are you sure?" She asks but I don't answer. "Baby girl please just let me in." I hear her plead with me.

I slowly reach to the door unlocking it and opening it a little letting her do the rest. She walks over to me sitting down putting her arm around my shoulders making me lay my head on her shoulder.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" She asks making me shrug "Use your word, baby." She says looking down at me.

"I don't know, thoughts just started coming and I couldn't stop them so I just need sometime alone, I guess."  I say looking her in the eye. "But I am good now." 

"We are gonna talk about this later." She states before getting up then helping me. 

We walk back out to the kitchen where every one is done and my plate is the only one with food on it. 

"Rae, are you okay." Diana says standing up and walking over to me looking very concerned.

"Yes, ma'am, I just need a few moments alone." I say smiling at her.

"Good, now come finish eating." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the table.

After I am done eating we all move to the living room and due to limited seating i end up sitting on Demi's lap as she and her family talk. I lay my head on her chest and start to drift off to sleep. I start to wake up due to Demi shifting but I don't open my eyes. 

"Is she okay?" Someone asks.

"She is still not feeling good and she only expecting three of you, she wasn't expecting Dallas. I think she had a mini panic attack and they take even more energy out of her." She says kissing my head.

"Well, I am sorry, I stressed her out to much. She seems like a keeper, if you can handle her once she overcomes all of this." She says.

"What do you mean?" I mean Demi ask as I snuggle into her more hoping she will stop talking so I can listen to her heartbeat. Yes, I know it sounds weird but it calms me down and helps me sleep.

"Once she overcomes these issue's she will become a hand-full. She will have attitude probably more than she does, and nothing will get in her way. She will want you with her through everything because you can tell how much she loves you just by being around her, but if you aren't going to be there she won't make you." She explains. 

"I will always be there for her unless she tells me she doesn't want me anymore." Demi responds and then she says. "I am sorry guys but we need to get going some of us have to be at school in the morning." she says making her family laugh. 

I fell her stand up holding me bridle-style. 

"Thank you all for being so nice to her, and I love you all." Demi says and i start drifting off again. 

The next time I wake up Demi is lay down next to me in her bed. Iscoot closer to her and whusper. "I love you." 

"I love you too." she whispers back. "Now get some sleep we both have to go to school in the morning."

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