Chapter 26

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Rae's POV

"Rae, honey, wake up." I hear a sweet voice says softly kissing my head and play with my hair. "Dinner is ready and my sister's are here."

I groan and slowly open my eyes to see Demi looking down at me. Then I realise what she just said to me.

"I am sorry, what?" I ask. "Did you just say you sisters are here. In this apartment for dinner." I say and she nod. I look at her wideeyed and run to the bathroom.

I splash water in my face followed by drying it, then I fixed my hair. I look at myself in the mirror and put on my best fake smile taking a deep breathe. 

I walk back into the room and see her looking at me guilty.

"I am sorry they just showed up and last time they popped up you made me make then stay. I just didn't wanna turn them away and make you upset. I figured maybe it would help get you mind off of everything." She explains herself.

"It's okay. I will handle it, I am just warn out. I have a lot going on in my mind." I say as she stands up and walks over to me and hugs me kissing the to over my head.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks. I shake my head and walk out the door.

I don't wanna tell her. I just wanna forget that dream and how it's making me feel but I can't shake it. I just can't rid of the feeling of not really being wanted. They say they want me around but I just can't make myself believe it.

I walk into the living room with Demi behind me.  When I walking Maddie stands up and rushes over to hug me. I hit her back and we stand there for a few minutes hugging.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"I am fine." She says pulling away but I can see the look in her face and I know she is lying.

"Okay, well we are gonna talk before you leave, okay?" I say as more of command than a question. She only nod and smiles before walking away.

Just then the door bell rings and I looked at Demi questioningly.

"Pizza is here!" Dallas yells rushing off to the front door.

I giggle and sit in the couch with Madiie next to me. Demi walks to help her sister. I turn myself to face Maddie and just look at her for a moment.

"Wanna tell me what is wrong?" I ask and she nods.

"This senior keeps picking on me and my friends and.... um... he called me some names. Then the same day he was suspended when you went missing. I found out he was one of the reasons and I just wanted to see you." She says looking as if she is about to cry. I pull her into a hug. "That's why we came over today." She says as she wraps her arms around me.

I suddenly feel very upset and protective of her. She isn't technically my family but it's as if she was and I get very protective of my family. No hurts may family.

"He won't bother you anymore I promise you, okay?" I say pulling back to look at her face. I smile at her reassuringly and she nods just as Demi and Dallas come in with four plates of pizza.

Dallas hands Maddie a plate before sitting in the recliner and Demi sit her two plates on the coffee table before pick me up. She sits down putting me on her lap and then grabs the plates. She hands me on as Dallas turns on the movie.

We all sit there a while and as the movie starts to end my thought get the best of me agian. This time though I think of Kate, Joey and Natalie. I thought them messing with her. How could they mess with a younger person. I could feeling the anger building up inside and I knew I need a way to realise it but I couldn't think.

"Baby?" Demi says concerned sounding but I don't respond. All I can think about is how I am gonna torture those three. They have not right to mess with my family even if they don't know.

"Rae." I hear Dallas' voice also trying to get my attention. I feel Demi's soft loving touch only hands trying to relax then as the have formed fists. "Rae, we need you to calm down and talk to us." I head Dallas say calmly.

How is she so calm her little sister is being picked on. At this moment I can even register that she probably has no clue. I look at her and suddenly I wanna yell at her but I stop myself. I try to remind myself that she doesn't know but she see her sister is upset. She should be able to tell something is wrong. Then I look at Demi and see her look at me with love as usual but also confusion.

"Baby, calm down talk to me." She says lowly and sternly but not to sternly as she didn't want to force me. I can tell she wants it to be my choice.

I look at Maddie and see her scared and confused as she looks at me. I see her smile at me and she stands up. She carefully moves her eldest sister and puts her hand softly on my shoulder.

"Rae, it okay. You can be upset but you gotta talk to someone, like I did when I talked to you." She says and I know she is right but I just can't calm down.

I slowly look away and as I do think of something that always calms my down with out fail. I nuzzle my head in to Demi's neck and take deep breath.

I feel my body relax and tears start to form as Demi holds me close to her kids the top of my head whispering soothing words.

"I am sorry." I whimper.

"It's okay, baby, why don't you talk to us now?" She suggest. I nod and take my face out of the crook of her neckand see the other to watching with awe. 

"Can you tell us what upset you so much?" Demi asks patiently.

"I found something out about specific someone and it kind upset me but I am good now. I can't tell you what or who it is because it is their business and not my place to sat something.  All I will say is it I someone at school and they are pick on someine who means a great deal to me. I just couldn't control myself for a minute but I am okay now." I say smiling at them all.

I make eye contact with Maddie and she smiles at me almost to say thank you for not telling them.

"Okay, well, me and Maddie need to get going we have some big plans in the morning." Dallas says smiling at Maddie and winking making her giggle. I stand up and give them hugs before sitting back down on the couch.

Demi walks them to the door and when she comes back she picks me up briddle style and takes me to the bed room.

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