Chapter 72

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Rae's POV

"Shut Up!!" I yell at everyone.

It's been a few months since the accident, I quit working at the diner, Elle and I started school about a moth ago, and Demi and I are starting to plan the wedding.

Currently I am standing in the doorway on the living room to Dianna and Eddie's house looking at a surprised group of people consisting of Demi, Dianna, Eddie, James, Dallas, Elle, and Maddie.

"What?" Demi says confused.

"I said shut up! All of you shut up!" I yell throwing my hands up in exasperation. "It's just a damn wedding! Who cares if the flower are yellow or blue, or if its big or small, seating chart or not, or hell who cares if the invitation's have cursive writing or bold! Does anyone care that the people getting married are me and Demi and no one has asked what we want?" I yell louder feeling the anger from the past few weeks of this take over me. "What if we just want to get to the court house and sign some paper?! What is we want purple flower and a cake in the shape of a dog!?!" I continue getting angrier and angrier. "You wouldn't know because you all want what you want! So, shut up, sit down and talk like normal people!" I finish feel my breathing getting heavier trying to hold in the anger. "This wedding is supposed to be a good thing and you are all screwing it up!"

Demi tries to come to me but I quickly step back confusing her.

"I am gonna go on a walk, y'all better have you shit figured out when I get back." I tell them grabbing Sarges leash and walking towards the door.

"Rae!" I hear Demi call after me.

Sense the accident she doesn't like to not know where I am so I am sure this is going to stress her out but I need some time away from all of them. When school started for both of us she was running herself ragged during the day worrying about me so I always text her and tell her what I am doing and she does the same.

We haven't fought like we did that night again because she insist we talk about our feeling every night before we go to sleep which I am completely okay with.

The wedding planning started of with just us and slowly everyone wanted to help but no one could agree and every time we talk about it, it becomes a huge fight and nothing gets done.

We don't even have a date set and they are already talking about decorations, invitations, seating, who knows what else because I disconnect every time.

Our anniversary turned in to us getting text all night from them because they were fighting about it, so mush so that we turn our phones off.

I walk to a park near the house and I lay on the grass feeling the sun it my face and I feel the tension leave my body. They all stress me out so much sometimes I wish they would all disappear, but I love them to much to really want it to happen.

Sarge has been doing really well also. He doesn't like being separated from me he gets antsy if it's for longer periods of time but he is doing good. When I first got out of the hospital he wouldn't leave my side for a second unless he needed to pee or something. One day I was going somewhere and I didn't feel it would be safe for him so I left him home with Demi and he paced the whole time according to her. But I guess when you spend every second of your day with some one it can be disorienting to not be with them even for a little while, and even for a dog.

As the sun starts to go down I stand up and me and Sarge head back to the house. When I walk in everything is quiet except a murmur coming from the Dinning room which confuses me. I look back out the window and see that all the cars are there.

I walk in to the living room and it is empty, so I walk to the dinning room doorway look around to see every one sitting and listening to each other.

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