Chapter 49

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Rae's POV

So today is the second to last day of the trip(Last full day) we leave tomorrow night and we are going to the Zoo, I think. I am not sure because I wasn't paying attention when they told us last night but that's not important. 

Demi is in the bathroom getting ready and I am already really, today I decided to break some school rules. I could get in trouble for it even though we aren't in school but f*ck it. I decided to wear a muscle tee and ripped jeans that if you didn't know better seem as if they are gonna fall apart, why? Because we are going to be at a crowded place outside in the sun all day long, it's gonna be hot and I will not suffer because of some stupid school dress code. 

Demi walks out and rolls her eyes at what I am wearing instantly.

"You know, someone is going to make a scene when they see what you are wearing, and then I will have to say something." She informs me of what I already know.

"Don't care." I say laying down on the bed to wait for her to finish up. "I refuse to suffer the heat because of some stupid ass dress code." I tell her making me look at me with an eyebrow raised.

"So, if Mrs. Lowry, decides to say something and she says you have to stay you aren't going to make a scene.?" She asks.

"Of course not, I will make a scene all day long. I shouldn't have to suffer and be hot all day because some sexist pig made a rule." I sit up look at her seriously.

"I agree but I can't fight her for you if she makes the decision for you to stay because you know how she is about dress code." She warns. 

I get up walking over to her pulling her into a quick kiss. 

"And you clearly don't know how she is about me." I tease and walk toward the door ready to go downstairs to meet everyone because we are stopping on the way for breakfast.

"Hey, wait a second, what is that supposed to mean?" She asks with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"It means that I get away with just about anything. Not everything just like you but just about. I often don't do anything worthwhile in her class but I still pass, I often talk back and I don't get in trouble and when I had her last year as a teacher I was constantly out of dress code and she never said anything to me about it. Why would she start today?" I ask as if it is nothing and open the door walking out. 

"Quit walking away from me. Go change close." She demands sounding jealous. 

"No." I keep walking. 

"Yes, I don't think it is a good idea for you to wear that." She says as we make it to the elevators and I press the buttons. 

"Well, I think it is a great idea so I am going to." I say and just then the door opens and she follows me in. 

"Damn it, Rae." She growls as the doors close behind us. "She is clearly not saying anything because she like looking at you and I am no okay with that. I need you for my sake to go change." 

"Babe, it's okay, she does it because she knows my home situation and she gives me the freedom to do what I need to." I explain. "I was just screwing with you. She is the only teacher that knew what happened because she noticed my change in additude last year and asked me about it. She told me that as long as I am not just outrageous she will allow it." I explain but I can see the jealousy still in her eyes. "I promise you." 

"Okay, I love you." She says kissing me quickly before the door opens. 

"I love you, too, baby." I say as we walk out. We walk up to Elle who grabs my hand pulling me to her and Savi. 

"So, guys, since this is the last day we are spending the whole day together. No exceptions!" She demands. 

"Alright but no being annoying." I tease and she looks at me shocked.

"Me annoying? I am never annoying." She says smiling faking being hurt. "Okay, well, anyway is it a deal?" She asks Savi and I when we are done laughing. 

"Yeah, Elle. If I am allowed to fo I will hang out with the two of you today." I say agreeing with her.

"Wait, what, why wouldn't you get to go?" She asks. 

"Well, I am technically out of dress code and Miss. Lovato warned me that she didn't care but Mrs. Lowry might so if she says I have to stay I have to stay." I say gesturing to my clothes and she looks at me realizing what I am wearing. 

"She let you wear that." She says looking more intently at the outfit. "Your can full on see your bra which is one rule and you pant look like they are literally going to fall apart." 

"Yeah, I mean I don't have any more clean shorts and I don't want to suffer at the zoo today. We are gonna be outside and cramped it is gonna get gross and sweaty." I explain myself again.

"Don't question it, she looks hot!" Savi exclaims checking me out making me blush. 

"Hush!" I exclaim quietly trying to avoid the looks she caused from my other classmates and Mrs. Lowry makes I contact with me. 

"Miss. Adam's, please come here!" She announces and and I slowly walk over. "Do you really think this is appropriate?" She asks unimpressed sounding. 

"Do you want my honest answer?" I ask and she nod.

"Then yes I think it is the perfect outfit for today's activities," I say but continue. "If you wanna tell me to stay behind because I don't wanna suffer in the heat then go for it. I will happily stay here and relax for the day." I give him my honest answer.

"No, you are going, but there will be consequences because you know my rules." She says then starts to talk again. "You will not be allowed to watch the animal show at the Zoo." She says like it will really upset me.

"Aw man!" I sat trying to sound upset so she doesn't make it worse. "Okay."

She gesture me to go away and turns back to talk to Demi. 

I walk back to Elle who looks at me surprised because usually she would have made a bigger deal out of it. 

Next thing I know we are getting in the van and I have to sit next to Mrs. Lowry. I sit in the inner part of the seat against the window and she sits where she can talk to Demi if she needs to.

I sigh being bored since I can't talk to anyone from where I am sitting. 

I pull out my phone and see a text from James for the first time in a week, so I start texting him.

When we get to the restaurant everyone funnels out of the van and into the building. We have a reservation so we are seated immediately. I sit down and Demi sits next to me and Mr. Lowry on the other side of her, then Elle sits right next to me and Savi in front of us across the table. Everyone slowly fills in the table. 

I look at the menu then after I decide what I am going to order i sit the menu you down before turning my body to face Elle. I lean backwards in Demi who supports me as Elle, Savi and I talk about how mush fun today is going to be, but I don't know how true that is. 

I have this feeling at the pit of my stomach that something bad is going to happen. Something is going to go wrong.

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