Chapter 63

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Rae's POV

It has been a month since we got back form Christmas and things have been really good with me and Demi. She made me a key to the apartment even though I am usually with her, but we have been spending more time with our respective friends without each other. Sarge and I are connected more then ever, he usually just knows what I need him to do without a command.

Now, though I am sitting in Mrs. Lowry's class for after school Friday detention and Sarge is with Demi, I didn't want him to have to be punished because I got in trouble. I take full responsibility for what I did, not that is was even that bad. 

I was sitting in class and I need to go to the bathroom, I asked politely but he said no. I told him it was an emergency because it was, I hadn't been since we left the apartment and it was after lunch. So, when I got tired of him saying now and then pain I was in because I need to go so bad I just got up and left the class to go and when I got back the principal was there waiting for me outside. 

I gave in and he gave me detention for four hours so I am sitting in Mrs. Lowry's class alone with her, because all of the other kids who had detention only had an hour and we are only on the second. 

"So, Rae even though your supposed to be quiet and stuff I am bored, so we are gonna talk." Mrs. Lowry says bringing me out on my thoughts and back to the really world. 

"What do you mean, talk about what?" I ask confused as most teachers don't talk to students during detention no matter what.

"Well, last year you always talked to me and this year it seems like you are trying not to and I would like to know why." She explains. "I know you are technically my student but I alway saw us more as friend because we talked about thing a student and a teacher don't talk about. When I met you, you were lost and didn't know which way to go next and I feel like I helped with that a little. I don't want that to happen again because you felt like you couldn't talk to me." 

"Mrs. Lowry, it just I have met a pretty amazing women but many people including yourself wouldn't approve of our relationship." I explain. "And I have Elle now, so as much as I enjoy talking to you it's just easier to talk to someone I know will understand." 

"Rae, I will be honest with you about two things. First off if this women makes you happy then you should be with her, especially if your brother is okay with it." She starts. "Second,if you think I won't approve because she is older well, in my option if your are both adults and both want to be in that relationship with no outside pressure then you should be able to do that, and last time I check you are 18, right?" She asks. 

"Yes, ma'am I am." I answer nodding at her. 

"Well, tell me about the person, don't worry, I don't need a name." she says after she sees me tense. 

"Um, well, she is beautiful, and she is loving and caring, she keeps me in line when I am acting rude or mean, she helps a lot with my panic attacks and she is consistent. Most of all though, she loves me and I love her, she supports me and I her, and I could see myself with her for a long time if not for ever." I tell her and she smiles at me. 

"Well, I hope that one day when you feel like you can you will tell me who this person is and letting me meet her." She says thoughtfully when suddenly there is a knock at the door confusing me ad her both because we thought everyone had left. 

The door opens and I see Demi standing in the door way, I then look away knowing she is going to be disappointed in my actions and I hate it. 

"Mrs. Lowry, I have a question." Demi says and out of the corner of my eye is see Sarges leash hit the ground and runs over to me. 

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