Chapter 9

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We got back to the apartment and by then my face had swollen even more and my hand hurt worse too. Demi pulled me to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit and opened it. She pulls stuff out and starts to put disinfectant on my cuts and I flinch from the pressure but also the stinging. "I am sorry but I have to do this babe." She says and I just nod. once she's done she leads me to my room and lays me down on the bed then lays next to me. 

I move closer to her putting my face in her neck. "Thank you for being here." I whisper and kiss her on me the neck. She only nods.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but tomorrow I have to go to my families for dinner after I bring you home." she explains and rolls over on top of me. "Do you want me to spend the night tomorrow or do you want to be alone for a night?" 

"I don't wanna be alone at all. I am always alone so please come over after." I said with a pout. she nods and smiles leaning down kissing me. I let out a light moan when she swipes my lip with her tongue the I feel a blush rise up my neck. She slowly moves from my mouth down to my neck and finds me sweet spot getting me to moan again. "Demi, we have to stop." I moan out.

She pulls back and looks at my face and pouts "I just don't wanna go to far we haven't even been together a week." I say and she only nods. I yawn and push her off laying my head on my new favorite pillows. "You know you are very sexy right?" I ask and she chuckles and nods. 

"I am tired, I am gonna take nap can you wake me up in a like an hour cause I have to cook dinner and do homework." I say closing my eyes starting to fall asleep.

I wake up to being shook. "Its been an hour we need to get up. I will cook you do you homework." I nod but don't move off her. I smile knowing it'll irritate her. "Rae, get up." She says sternly but I still don't move. "Don't make me move you." She threatens and I finally sit up.

I watch her leave the room and I grab my bag starting my math homework. After about an hour I smell the food and I decide I am fine with homework. I get up and walk into the kitchen to see my brother sitting at the breakfast bar and and I look at him questioning as I walk up behind Demi and wrap my arms around her. "Hi, Miss. Lovato. The food smells amazing." I say I feel her tense when I call her that like I knew it would and I giggle. I wonder, why It does?

She turns to me and gives me a look daring me to do it again. I am let go and putting my hands up backing away and go sit next to James. I smile at him and lay my head down with my arms crossed on the table. "When did you get home?" I ask him.

"A few minutes ago." He answers as a play a plate is sat in front of me and him and then a third plate is sat down. I see her walk away again and come back with a drink for me and her cause he already had one.

I sit there looking at the food and look up at her. "Thank you." I say look up at her and she smile and I start eating.

After dinner Demi and I went back to my room to lay down. "Babe, how does your face feel." Demi asks me.

"It's ok I guess." I answer and after a few moments of silence she asks me another question.

"You know the senior trip?" I nod as she starts "Are you going?" She asks looking at me.

"Don't have to money to go so I don't think  I will be to go. Are you gonna be one of the chaperones?" I ask and and she nods.

"You are going I will pay because my trip is free." She says and I quickly shake my head.

"No, your not. I won't let you." I say quickly. "You have already done so much for me and you barley know me. We have a few weeks til the money is due I will try to get it by then but you won't do anything." I say trying to be stern but failing under her gaze.

She starts walking toward me slowly coming closer and closer. I sit down when I back into the bed and start to lean back and she crawls on to me pushing me down on to the bed. "If I want to help you I will that's is part of being in a relationship I want to make you as happy as I can and I know you wanna go on that trip. I want to you to go to plus since I am on your list they will probably room us together in the hotel and it'll be like our own little trip." She says sternly leaving no room for questions or arguing. "Now get ready for bed cause I am tired and I know you probably are to after the day you have had.

- The Next day-

It's 7th period and I walk into the gym to see most of the class already there and then I head to the locker to put my stuff away and then meet back up with the rest of the class. Everyone stares at me cause of my swollen cut up face. "What do y'all think do I look cool?" I say smile and everyone laughs.

"But like seriously is it cool looking? I could start wearing a leather jacket and rife a motorcycle it'll be awesome." I add and they continue laughing then suddenly stop when the door shuts. I know it's probably Demi and really don't wanna turn around cause she is probably mad because I told her I wouldn't cause issues in her class today, but it was so tempting.

I slowly turn around smiling. "Coach!!! How are you today!?!"

I walk over to where my friends are as she walks to the front if the class where I was just at.

"I was just telling everyone how I am gonna invest in a motorcycle and a leather jacket. I personally think I could pull of the thug look especially with cuts and stuff." I joke and the class burst out laughing. "What do you think?" I say sitting down due to the glare I am getting.

"I think you should sit down and be quiet so we can start class." She says and the whole class quiets down. I look up at her to see her giving me a a disapproving look and I put my head down.

She breaks us up into groups and I end up with three of my friends we are playing four square. "Let me know if you need sit down." Demi says as she walks by me pointing at my side and I just nod.

We start playing and I am doing anything and everything I can to make everyone laugh and just trying to have fun. I get looks from Demi to stop but it's just so fun I don't wanna stop.

As we are picking up I pick up four balls struggling to hold them and just as I get need the place we put them one falls and I trip over it. I fall and as I am falling a curl into a ball to protect myself. I feel the air get knock out of my and I uncurl myself and take a minute to breath.

Then out of no where I sit up and yell "I am all good!" Surprising everyone causing them to laugh. I sit the there smiling till I look up and see Demi glaring at me. If looks could kill I would be dead three times over.

I gulp as just then the bell rings and everyone runs out to go home but demi comes closer and closer like predator does they're prey.

"I am sorry?" I say as more of a question.

"Not gonna cut it Rae, now yet up finish cleaning and meet me at the car I will deal with you after I have dinner with my family cause it is to late to cancel now."

Oh no, this isn't good.

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